sitter added a subscriber: dfaure.
sitter added a comment.

  @dfaure btw, it seems you cannot have no ACL displayed. i.e. properties 
dialog does `d->hasExtendedACL = item.ACL().isExtended() || 
item.defaultACL().isValid();` but isExtended is even true for invalid ACLs, so 
in the smb scenario I have neither modes nor ACLs so it is effectively `KACL()` 
which is invalid but still isExtended for some reason. Not sure I'll find the 
motivation to fix that any time soon but thought I should tell you at least :)

  R320 KIO Extras


To: sitter, ngraham
Cc: dfaure, kde-frameworks-devel, kfm-devel, pberestov, iasensio, fprice, 
LeGast00n, cblack, MrPepe, fbampaloukas, alexde, GB_2, Codezela, feverfew, 
meven, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, firef, ngraham, andrebarros, bruns, 
emmanuelp, mikesomov

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