sommer added a comment.
Yep. Here comes an updated version for test.mss: /* kate: hl CartoCSS This file contains some content coming from with CC0 license. This file is just for testing katepart highlighting engine. */ #world { // this syntax polygon-opacity: 50%; // the parameter “polygon-opacity” gets the value 0.5 (expressed in %) // is equivalent to polygon-opacity: 0.5; } /* Variables behave similar to C macros */ @lsdjkf: @sdlfkj; // this variable gets defined by the value of another variable @admin-boundaries: #ac46ac; // this variable gets defined by a color value @way_pixels: "([way_area]*pow(4,@zoom)/24505740000)"; // A rather complex variable. [way_area] marks a data field. @zoom is a special runtime value (inspite of the @ it has nothing to do with ordinary variables) /* This is a multiline comment. */ // A single line comment #admin-low-zoom[zoom < 11], // A single line comment #admin-mid-zoom[zoom >= 11][zoom < 13] { [admin_level = '2'], // Within filters, data fields like “admin_level” are referended without extra [] brackets. [admin_level = '3'] { // These data fields are rendered by default in dark blue, while the data field within expression strings are rendered by default in light blue. [zoom >= 4] { background/line-color: white; // symbolizer named “background” background/line-width: 0.6; // symbolizer named “background” line-color: @admin-boundaries; // default symbolizer (without name) name: [test]; // simplified reference to the data field “test” name: "[test]"; // another reference to the data field “test”, this time within an expression string (by default orange) name: "([way_area]*pow(4,@zoom)/24505740000)"; // a rather complex expression string that will do some math name: "'Value: '[test]"; // A verbatim string (by default red) as part of an expression string name: '"Value: "[test]'; // " and ' are interchangable. The outer is always the expression string and the inner the verbatim string. } } [admin_level = '4'] { // The string '4' is red because at this position it will be interpreted as a verbatim string, not as an expression string. [zoom >= 4] { line-dasharray: 4,3; // parameter “line-dasharray” gets as value a list of two integers line-clip: false; // parameter “line-clip” gets as value a boolean } } comp-op: darken; // parameter “comp-op” gets as value “darken”. } .nature-reserve-boundaries { // .nature-reserve-boudaries references a class, which is similar to a layer like #building-text, so both are rendered the same way [way_pixels > 100][zoom >= 7] { // Here zoom is a keyword with results in a special filter. However, all other values are interpreted as data fields. [zoom < 10] { ::fill { // The :: syntax defined “attachments” (a sort of sub-layer within normal layers). So “fill” is rendered by default in the same style like layer names and class names (but this can be customized). opacity: 0.05; // various styles to define colors (all except the color function are rendered the same way): polygon-fill: white; polygon-fill: #ffffff; polygon-fill: #fff; polygon-fill: rgba(255,255,255,1); // define a color by a speciel function polygon-fill: #ffff; // invalid color value text-placement: interior; // all unknown values are hightlighted as named values. } } } } REPOSITORY R216 Syntax Highlighting REVISION DETAIL To: sommer, #framework_syntax_highlighting Cc: cullmann, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, rrosch, LeGast00n, cblack, gennad, GB_2, bmortimer, domson, michaelh, genethomas, ngraham, bruns, demsking, vkrause, sars, dhaumann