kossebau added a comment.

  I have seen a few projects having CMAKE_AUTOUIC set to ON, due to copy-pasted 
cmake code, or having converted to ki18n only during development. So let's help 
them to avoid unneeded file generation while they are finding the cmake skills. 
And this would also assist bigger projects where some parts use ki18n, others 
might not. so being able to set the default globally by CMAKE_AUTOUIC to ON 
would be nice, and have those UI files being opted out where the macro is used.
  While the autouic-generated headers seem currently shadowed, because the 
include path ${target}_autogen/include is being passed only after the include 
path of the current build directory, where the k18n_wrap-ui files puts the 
generated headers, to the compiler, so final build executables are not having 
any issues, this still is a bit fragile. And eats disk space and grows 
dependency ruiles and build time minimally. So better be safe.
  BTW, qt5_wrap_ui sets SKIP_AUTOUIC as well on those files.

  R249 KI18n


To: kossebau, #frameworks, ilic
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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