bport added a comment.

  In D28221#657482 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D28221#657482>, @dfaure wrote:
  > Ah! Now it actually makes sense to me. If we are changing what 
revertToDefault() does, then it makes sense to change the if() condition for 
calling it. Basically, now that it does the right thing in both cases (default 
from C++ and default from system file) it can be called in both cases, while 
before it was only called if there was no default from a system file. Right?
  > I'm still wondering about this though: "If we're saving a value equal to 
the C++ default, then we have to write it out, otherwise upon reading the 
global-file default will interfer."
  >  Your unittest shows that revertToDefault() will lead to the global-file 
value being read.
  >  Doesn't this mean that this code is wrong then?
  >    if (value == "cppdefault") {
  >       cg.revertToDefault(key);
  >   } else {
  >       cg.writeEntry(key, value);
  >   }
  > That's the code you're using everywhere, so that's actually the code that 
would be good to unittest ;-)
  >  Isn't this buggy when the value actually *is* cppdefault, and there is a 
system config file with another default value?
  > > Indeed probably need to update configuration too.
  > Did you mean documentation? I know this is all about configuration ;) but 
the bit that's missing is to update the documentation, and add a task to get 
rid of the hasDefault() everywhere before revertToDefault is called. Assuming 
I'm wrong above about there being a bug left :-)
  In D28221#664243 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D28221#664243>, @bport wrote:
  > - Fix comments
  > - Ensure we don't have problem if we set value to "defaultcpp" and a global 
setting override it
  >   Regarding other comments:
  > - I guess you mean if (mDefault == mReference) { with if (value == 
"defaultcpp") in that case mDefault is equal to either default from cpp value 
or default from global file.
  > - Your first assertion is right.
  >   Still need to fix documentation
  Indeed there is still some question regarding if (value == "defaultcpp")
  kwindowconfig fix seems wrong

  R237 KConfig


To: bport, ervin, dfaure, davidedmundson
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, ngraham, bruns

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