kossebau added inline comments.


> dfaure wrote in kcmoduleinfo.h:131
> It's complicated.
> 1. If you use the QString constructor, you know service() is usable. That's 
> the case for all users of KCModuleInfo except KCModuleLoader. [Not that there 
> are many]
> 2. Even KCModuleLoader calls service(), to test for noDisplay().
> The whole concept of NoDisplay only makes sense for desktop files, unless we 
> want to have that in JSON metadata as well. I suppose we do, but this 
> currently seems to be completely missing (e.g. from KPluginMetaData, if we 
> want this in all plugins, not just KCMs). We'd have to duplicate the logic 
> currently in KService::noDisplay().
> Any volunteers to look into this? :-)

As I just ran into this code, a short reminder: it would be a regression not to 
have a noDisplay check in the case of pure JSON metadata, as the current code 
of KService::;noDisplay() also asks KAuth whether the page should be shown 
(`KAuthorized::authorizeControlModule(storageId())`), which some KIOSK systems 
or admins might rely on, but also `showInCurrentDesktop()` & 
`showOnCurrentPlatform()`, which also still make sense, for what I can tell.

  R295 KCMUtils


To: dfaure, pino, broulik, mart, davidedmundson, ngraham, svuorela
Cc: kossebau, svuorela, cblack, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, michaelh, 
ngraham, bruns

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