marcingu added a comment.

  In D28745#676303 <>, @bruns wrote:
  > Second, I have asked for a full context diff, or even better moving this to, but @marcingu keeps ignoring this.
  Sorry about that. It got lost under all suggestions. I'll post the next 
change to and link it here.
  In D28745#676303 <>, @bruns wrote:
  > @marcingu - have you even verified this works? - I am quite sure it does 
not, neither for fuse.encfs, fuse.cryfs (as used by Vaults), nor for any LUKS 
encrypted devices.
  I double checked and I believe there's space for discussion with more 
involved developers/designers.
  The code behaves in expected way (thumbnails are not saved), but not because 
`usage` for those devices is `UsageType::Encrypted`, but rather they cannot be 
treated as `StorageVolume` (line :728).
  This isn't my area of expertise and I don't know what behavior should be 
expected from different kinds of StorageAccess devices.
  Maybe if we got broader information about it, we might prepare some tests as 
well, so we don't run into problems with this code in the future.

  R320 KIO Extras


To: marcingu, ivan, broulik, #dolphin, ngraham, meven, bruns, dfaure
Cc: dfaure, thiago, bruns, meven, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, kfm-devel, 
waitquietly, azyx, nikolaik, pberestov, iasensio, aprcela, fprice, LeGast00n, 
cblack, fbampaloukas, alexde, Codezela, feverfew, michaelh, spoorun, 
navarromorales, firef, andrebarros, emmanuelp, rdieter, mikesomov

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