On samedi 3 avril 2021 22:42:36 CEST Ben Cooksley wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 2:18 AM David Faure <fa...@kde.org> wrote:
> > Here are the notes from today's meeting (thanks Luigi )
> > 
> > Feature deprecation process
> > =============
> > - when to deprecate a feature? Deprecation signals people that they should
> > start porting, but on the other hand the users of a certain feature may
> > need
> > help and the new feature may require some stabilization;
> > - a change on a complex application (ex kmymoney) may require help from
> > both
> > the Frameworks developers and the application developers, both with their
> > specific knowledge
> > - conclusion: deprecate as soon as the replacement is proven to be
> > effective
> > in relevant use cases, and the deprecation doesn't mean the people who
> > worked
> > on the deprecation stop working on the porting of the application
> > 
> > Back on https://phabricator.kde.org/T14233 (ECM and multiple Qt version)
> > =============
> > 
> > TODO: build a proof of concept with solution 2) (make sure
> > find_package(Qt) is
> > called explicitly before find_package(ECM)) with some real repository and
> > see
> > how it looks like. Other discussions about the general solution. See
> > solution
> > 3 added to the task right now.
> > 
> > Back on https://phabricator.kde.org/T14164 (Create version-less KF cmake
> > targets)
> > ===========
> > 
> > (brief summary from the sprint discussion, please check the task)
> > The perfect solution would be to accept both (versioned and unversioned)
> > targets but write the correct one in the configuration files, but such a
> > solution doesn't seem to be possible from the previous discussion (may
> > need
> > additional discussion with steveire, and changes in cmake)
> > 
> > 
> > Update on https://phabricator.kde.org/T13806 (KParts plugin cleanup)
> > ===================
> > 
> > The feature is only used by Konqueror, so it can be moved to the
> > application
> > and removed from Frameworks
> > 
> > Timeline for bumping dependencies?
> > =======================
> > (Qt 5.15, C++17, CMake >= 3.16). Already agreed (by distributions). It
> > needs
> > to be done (can happen now, since tagging just happened) and be advertised
> > in
> > the proper channels (announce). Problem solved!
> If we could get a heads up when this is supposed to happen so I can
> decommission the Qt 5.14 CI jobs that would be appreciated.
> That should also avoid a flurry of failure messages to the list when those
> jobs inevitably fail :)

Very good point. Well, there's no time like the present :)

Packagers agreed, 5.81 RC1 is tagged, so we're all set for bumping the 
dependencies. Can you deactivate the Qt 5.14 CI jobs and let me know when I 
can go ahead?

Can you also confirm that all CI systems support C++17 (gcc >= 8, clang >= 6, 
or MSVC >= 2017) and CMake >= 3.16 ? 
I assume so, but it doesn't hurt to make sure :)

David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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