!! Meeting will move to 17:00 CET next week (due to DST change in continental 

* static plugin support draft, needs review
* MRs to demonstrate the usage exists for KWin and KMyMoney

* generic ctor vs. named ctor pattern?
* pro named ctor: explicitness, safety, and ability to deprecate indivdual 
* pro generic ctor: easier for code that supports multiple formats (do we have 
that at all?)
* currently no known issues with this
* can be changed later, but having named ctors now might help with porting
* having both at the same time is also possible, as both methods do different 
things/solve different use-cases
* postpone until this becomes an actual problem

* JSON KCM loading works fine
* URL to pin KCMs to taskbar requires a .desktop file
* would require to keep the .desktop files around for KCMs that behave 
* generate .desktop file from JSON, to avoid duplication?
* would the JSON file have all the necessary content?
* alternative: manually maintained .desktop files
* not an alternative: keep .desktop-based plugin loading code and json from 
desktop generation around

* should we already install unversioned symlinks for CLI tools right now?
* unversioned implies CLI interface compatibility
* should have done a long time ago, so yes, do this now
* kcmshell will move to kcmutils and become versioned

* QML bindings from KDeclarative and KCMModule from KConfigWidgets planned to 
move to KCMUtils (https://phabricator.kde.org/T12150)
* should we split KCMUtils internally between classes for creating KCMs and 
classes for consuming KCMs (which is where the KXmlGui dependency comes in)?
* dependency on KXmlGui is for KAboutPluginDialog, which is tied to the entire 
about dialog code in xml gui
* could we move the entire about dialog stuff down to a tier2 framework? but 
there's no good framework there to place this in? but does that even make 
sense for something every widget-based app needs anyway?
* so the above suggestions of multiple libs in the kcmutils framework might 
make more sense
* related to https://phabricator.kde.org/T14355, which might eventually also 
require a core library in KCMUtils

Threaded KIO workers:
* David F is removing the POP3 kioslave to enable that

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