On 21 February 2014 13:17, Aleix Pol <aleix...@kde.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Going through the information we have in kde-runtime [1] we found there are
> two subdirectories related to localization (localization and l10n) that we
> couldn't find a correct place to move to.
> Can anybody give us a hand and help us figure those out?
> - localization: has plenty of information regarding different currencies.
> - l10n: has information about different countries.
> Should these go to KI18n? Qt?
> Anybody has plans for those?
> Aleix
> [1] http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Epics/New_Runtime_Organization

The l10n directory holds the locale config files for each country.
These files get used by KLocale.  The localization directory holds the
currency config files used by KLocale and KCurrencyCode, as they
couldn't go into l10n/ without messing up existing code, and the
long-term plan was to move l10n/ into localization/ as a country/

In KF5 both KLocale and KCurrencyCode are in kde4support and have
mostly been replaced by using QLocale.  As such both l10n and
localization are only required if kde4support is installed and used.
I assume the files must now be moved into kde4support?  Will we also
need to think about what happens with parallel installs with KDE4?

As Albert points out, there looks to be a couple of other places the
files are used in KF5 code that will need porting to QLocale instead,
or if they are only appropriate with KLocale then moving to
kde4support.  I'll try have a look later today.

I have a separate email about locale configuration in Plasma Next that
I'll post on the Plasma list a bit later.

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