On Sun, February 23, 2014 17:45:01 John Layt wrote:
> On 7 February 2014 10:01, David Faure <fa...@kde.org> wrote:
> > On Monday 03 February 2014 22:08:20 Andriy Rysin wrote:
> >> I am trying to build frameworks using
> >> http://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Building on Fedora 20 and it failes
> >> in several modules due to some docbook problem, e.g. in kconfigwidgets:
> >> 
> >> Scanning dependencies of target kstandardactiontest_automoc
> >> man-preparetips5.1.docbook:5: warning: failed to load external entity
> >> "dtd/kdex.dtd"
> >> ]>
> >> 
> >>   ^
> >> 
> >> man-preparetips5.1.docbook:7: parser error : Entity 'language' not
> >> defined
> >> <refentry lang="&language;">
> > 
> > Did you set XDG_DATA_DIRS to contain <yourkf5installprefix>/share ?
> Just hit this myself using kdesrc-build, shouldn't it take care of it
> for me?  Seems a little user unfriendly that it's the one envvar I
> have to set when kdesrc-build takes care of the rest for me?

Yes, it should take care of it for you.

And as of now, it does.

 - Michael Pyne
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