
in the past it was hard to find someone to fix things for KDE Frameworks on 
Windows, and too often people not interested in Windows had instead to spend 
their costly leisure time to solve problems, e.g. by debugging via CI runs.

I do not think we can expect from every contributor/patch author they are 
capable to understand and to solve things on all platforms. For one as this 
does not scale, and even more when the platform is a proprietary one that 
otherwise works against the mission of KDE and people rather avoid to have to 
know about it.

So we need dedicated maintainer teams for each platform IMHO. And if that team 
is empty, have to drop the official support for that platform, instead of e.g. 
having it a "broken windows theory" thing on CI (pun intended).

Given Linux (default, all the usual suspect contributors), FreeBSD (Tobias, 
Adriaan), and Android (some other usual suspect contributors) are covered, 
there is a reaction time the same day often, when help is needed with those. 
Other than for Windows (and macOS once it makes it to CI).

Who would be available as contact person for KF @ Windows, so could be 
reliably called in to solve code issues appearing in new work or regressions 
by external influences? Either by a to be created @teams tag or as highly 
available individuals?

If we do not have enough people who can provide at least, say, weekly work on 
the Windows platform, I would propose to drop the official support, as it is 
an annoying burden to those who have no stakes on that platform.
And also harms the reputation of the KF product, because being badly 
maintained and thus partially broken makes it into the developer/user 
experience on those platforms, which then is mapped onto the whole product 
(rightfully), not just the support on that platform.


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