El dilluns, 24 de gener de 2022, a les 1:06:40 (CET), Friedrich W. H. Kossebau 
va escriure:
> Hi,
> since a long time there are lots of failing unit tests across multiple 
> repositories. Could the Windows platform maintainers/stakeholders please look 
> soonish into either fixing those tests or properly marking them as expected 
> to 
> fail, so the resources the KDE CI spends on running the tests every hour, day 
> and week make some sense again, as well as having something usable to diff 
> results again, to notice any new regressions?
> Please see
>   https://build.kde.org/job/Frameworks/view/Platform%20-%20WindowsMSVCQt5.15/ 
> (best sort by "S" build status to get a list what need
> Otherwise I would tend to propose to declare Windows support as unmaintained, 
> if there is no change within the next weeks.

Are you going to propose the same for Linux and FreeBSD where we also have long 
running tests that don't succeed and no one bothers to fix them?


> Thanks in advance
> Friedrich

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