On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 4:56 AM Aleix Pol <aleix...@kde.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 3:13 PM Nicolas Fella <nicolas.fe...@gmx.de> wrote:
> >
> > On 3/8/23 14:02, Harald Sitter wrote:
> > > with kf6 progressing nicely here's a first conflict report of files
> > > that appear in both kf6 and kf5 under the same name. this largely
> > > affects translations and docs it seems. this list may not be entirely
> > > comprehensive, I've only thrown together a script in a couple minutes.
> >
> > Thanks Harald!
> >
> > > one question is whether ECM should be co-installable, not sure if that
> > > has been discussed
> >
> > It has come up, and the answer seems to be "No, it will not be
> > coinstallable". This implies that ECM master will continue to support
> > Qt5/KF5, but that should not be a huge burden.

>From my perspective this has been incredibly poorly communicated to the
point that it is not an actual valid decision.

It is also not what was set in the branch-rules.yml files within the
metadata (which was committed by a Frameworks devel) and was not what was
confirmed by Frameworks developers when I put together the list of projects
to have KF5 master branch builds removed from the CI artifacts store.

This state of affairs has been the source of a degree of CI breakage we
have been experiencing (things are a mess at the moment, I don't even want
to look at any of it)

> >
> > > report for /usr:
> > > https://collaborate.kde.org/s/3gz2KfoGLsS4TF5
> > >
> > > furthermore the following files outside /usr clash between kf6 and 5:
> > > '/etc/xdg/accept-languages.codes'
> > > '/etc/xdg/kshorturifilterrc'
> > > '/etc/xdg/autostart/baloo_file.desktop'
> > > '/lib/udev/rules.d/61-kde-bluetooth-rfkill.rules'
> > >
> > > HS
> If ECM master has to support KF5, why do we have a kf5 branch? In
> fact, I'm pretty sure I switched it eventually because there were
> regressions.
> Aleix


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