
Am Freitag, 24. Mai 2024, 00:13:11 MESZ schrieb Bernhard Rosenkränzer:
> On Thursday, May 23, 2024 22:20 CEST, Jonathan Riddell <j...@jriddell.org> 
> wrote:
> > Has anyone had issues with Breeze loading using Frameworks 6.2 or
> > master building the libKF6BreezeIcons.so.6 library in breeze-icons.
> Yes, there was an oddity here too. When building the package with LTO enabled 
> as we usually do, it fails with
> ld.lld: error: src/qrc_breeze-icons.o: Invalid bitcode signature
> while linking libKF6BreezeIcons.so.6.2.0
> But I didn't get around to debugging it properly yet, and disabling LTO fixed 
> at least building it.
> This smells more like an rcc or toolchain bug though (and 
> qrc_breeze-iconstmp.cpp.o looks ok), so it may not be related to the problem 
> you're seeing.

That sounds like it uses qt_add_big_resources which is completely broken by
design and must not be used. It messes with object file data directly in a way
which just breaks everything: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-73834


> ttyl
> bero

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