On Monday, March 3, 2014 08:35:16 you wrote:
> The reason to remove the default ctor was that if one used it, KWindowInfo
> would crash on first usage as it was completely broken. It was documented to
> be there for usages in container classes but lxr doesn't show any usage and


        QHash<WId, KWindowInfo> m_windows;

the copyright on the file is yours, actually :)

> IMHO there cannot be a useful usage of KWindowInfo in container classes as
> KWindowInfo doesn't update the information.

use of containers is not always about long-term storage. they can be used to 
conveniently sort sets of objects, to populate a set of objects in one part of 
the code and then process them in another, etc.

it is fine to put in the apidox that a default-constructed KWindowInfo object 
is invalid and will not provide useful information. there are many other 
classes that have similar constructors, though KWindowInfo does not provide a 
way to turn an invalid object into a valid one (which is also fine imho.

> If you have a valid use cases for container classes please bring it to
> frameworks mailing list for discussion whether we should restore SC.

done :)

and yes, the preservation of source compatibility is important, especially as 
there is no compelling reason to break it in this case. see:


Aaron J. Seigo

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