> Hello,
> Thanks for the feedback!
> Adding kde-promo in CC since it might have implications on future
> communication.
> On Saturday 15 March 2014 16:59:54 Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > Here are the different options, they're clearly not mutually exclusive.
> > 
> > 1) Split Tier 4 in a Tier 4 and a Tier Deprecated :)
> > [...]
> > 2) Release the deprecated content as a separate product
> > [...]
> > 3) Roll all the deprecated modules into KDE4Support
> > [...]
> > 4) Announce the deprecated modules will only be released three times
> > [...]
> > 
> > That's it for the four ideas to deal with the deprecated modules, now let's
> > find a working cocktail.
> So let's pick the following cocktail: 1, 2 and 4.
> That means we immediately move khtml and kde4support out of KDE Frameworks
> (to
> be widely advertised) and into a KDE Porting Aids product (to be advertised
> only to existing KDE developers).
> Ben, I think you're going to hate me for that, but we learn as we progress...
> That means we're moving ASAP khtml and kde4support repositories out of the
> frameworks group of the projects tree into a new portingaids group.
> We'll also announce at beta time the second product, and that we aim for
> making only three releases out of it, coordinated with KDE Frameworks
> releases
> as to give people time to port away from it.
> Now, the last point... What else do we want to move from KDE Frameworks to
> Porting Aids? Aleix and Aaron proposed the following content for KDE Porting
> Aids:
>  * kde4support (obvious);
>  * khtml (planned for a long time);
>  * kjs (because of khtml I gather);
>  * kjsembed (ditto);
>  * krunner (because of upcoming sprinter, and only one user anyway);
>  * kmediaplayer (unused AFAIK).
> I think that list makes sense. Is there anyone who couldn't sleep at night if
> those were in KDE Porting Aids?

perhaps I am wrong, but is not "kross" as good candidate to be added to this 
list, too?


----------------------------- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann ---------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullm...@absint.com
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