On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 5:20 AM, Alex Merry <alex.me...@kde.org> wrote:

> On 17/03/14 19:35, Shivam Makkar wrote:
> > also I want to know how can i start kded5
> >
> > when I run command
> >
> > kded5
> > or
> > kdeinit5
> >
> > i get
> >
> > kded5(16341)/(default) QXcbSessionManager::QXcbSessionManager: Qt:
> > Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
> Hmm... you might want to try
> eval `dbus-launch`
> before running kded5 or kdeinit5, so that it doesn't interfere with your
> current session.

I am using that command !

also is there any other module I need to build to see the changes I've made
in  keyboard module's daemon ? (keyboard daemon.cpp)

Shivam Makkar
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