> On Feb. 28, 2014, 3:41 p.m., Matthew Dawson wrote:
> > While I'm fine with the idea behind this optimization, I worry that this 
> > implementation could create situations were a configuration change is not 
> > picked up by the system.  For instance, what happens if the user doesn't 
> > immediately call readConfig?  This could create some subtle bugs in 
> > downstream code.
> > 
> > I had two ideas for how this optimization could be implemented:
> > 1) Lazy load the KConfig object the first time it is used.  Then, in 
> > readConfig, the call to be reparseConfiguration could be avoided if the 
> > KConfig is created due to its call.  This would retain the current 
> > behaviour, while ensuring readConfig reads in the most configuration.  
> > Other uses of the KConfig will have to ensure the KConfig object has 
> > already been created, and if the user calls one of those functions before 
> > readConfig, they will still double read the configuration.  But since this 
> > is just status quo, I'm not too worried.
> > 2) Alternately, create a set of construction functions, like make_shared, 
> > that imitate the creation of a KConfigSkeleton subclass, and then reading 
> > the configuration through readConfig.  Internally, it can use a private 
> > readConfig function to ensure the configuration is no re-read.  This would 
> > require changes to applications to avoid the extra configuration call, 
> > unfortunately.
> > 
> > I saw RR #115964, and I assume that some of the reductions to the readings 
> > of oxygenrc are caused by the sharing the KConfig between some 
> > KConfigSkeleton's?  If so, I'd suggest implementing solution 1 for the 
> > general case, and then making a special construction function to handle 
> > shared KConfig's.  I don't want to avoid calling reparseConfiguration 
> > without some warning around this, as it may again cause some surprises.  A 
> > new appropriately named function shouldn't be too bad though, as opposed to 
> > changing the behaviour of the constructor.
> David Faure wrote:
>     I've been thinking about this too, but what good is a KConfigSkeleton if 
> you don't call readSettings() on it? You can't read any settings from it 
> then, so all you can do is a) keep it around for later or b) use it purely 
> for writing out a new config file. Use case b) is no problem, so I think 
> we're talking about use case a). Yes in theory an app could see a behavior 
> change in that the config file is loaded from disk at the time of creating 
> the skeleton rather than at the time of calling readConfig the first time. 
> But this is why I'm making this change in 5.0 and not in 4.13. I think it's 
> an acceptable behavior (matching KConfig's behavior more closely - it parses 
> in the ctor, not in readEntry) and I doubt it affects many apps, since all I 
> see everywhere is singletons - i.e. the KConfigSkeleton is created on demand 
> at the time where it's first needed, therefore the ctor is immediately 
> followed by readConfig.
>     My alternative idea (let's call it "3" to complete your list) was to pass 
> a flag to the KConfig constructor to tell it "don't parse now", and setting 
> that flag from the KConfigSkeleton constructor. Then readConfig can keep 
> always calling reparseConfiguration(). This would work, right?
>     Your suggestion 1 is somewhat equivalent, but since one of the ctors for 
> KCoreConfigSkeleton takes a KSharedConfig::Ptr as input, it's not applicable, 
> we can't delay the creation of the kconfig within KCoreConfigSkeleton since 
> it's created beforehand by the application.
>     Your suggestion 2 requires changing all the apps, which lowers the 
> benefits of the optimization.
> Matthew Dawson wrote:
>     I agree, it is a weird use case, and the software should probably be 
> adjusted.  However, if an app does rely on that, it is very hard for the 
> author of the software to notice the change, even with the port to 5.  If I 
> just looked at the functions names, I'd expect readConfig to read the file 
> all the time.  Following the principle of least surprise, I'd like to avoid 
> readConfig ever not reading the file.
>     I'm fine with your alternate idea.  I prefer that over my first idea, as 
> it effectively does the same thing while being less invasive.
>     For my second suggestion, I realize its downsides.  I just like following 
> the principle of least surprise.  If your alternate idea is implemented, I 
> believe that would cover most cases.  Suggestion 2 can then be implemented, 
> and its related constructor could be marked deprecated.  This would allow for 
> existing programs to continue working, while allowing developers to change 
> their code to take advantage of the optimization.
>     As I stated earlier, I'm not sure about who KDE wants to handle source 
> compatibility with kdelibs.  I also wouldn't mind just removing the second 
> constructor, forcing all users to upgrade their code.  Since the function is 
> a drop in replacement, it wouldn't be that hard for developers to upgrade.
> David Faure wrote:
>     I don't agree that "readConfig" necessarily implies reading from disk. 
> All of the KConfig API says things like "readEntry", which does not read from 
> disk, but uses the in-memory cache. Doing the same one level up, in 
> KConfigSkeleton, would be rather consistent.
>     Your second suggestion is still a bit unclear to me; some function 
> calling "new Configuration" (assuming that's the name of the derived class, 
> like in kdnssd-framework/src/settings.h) is already what the generated code 
> has with its self() method that takes care of calling the constructor anyway. 
> So the app code is then just Configuration::self()->readConfig(); 
> Configuration::someValue() (see e.g. 
> kdnssd-framework/src/mdnsd-domainbrowser.cpp).
>     I'm not sure what you'd do in there to avoid the double parsing.
>     My own alternative idea leads to 
> http://www.davidfaure.fr/2014/delayedparsing.diff which indeed helps less - 
> still 3 parsings of oxygenrc, because of the three skeletons sharing the same 
> KSharedConfig, and each of them calling readConfig. As you anticipated in 
> your paragraph about RR #115964. What's your suggestion then for this issue? 
> You suggest a named function - but changing names doesn't matter, this is 
> called from generated code there too. See 
> kde-workspace/libs/oxygen/oxygeninactiveshadowconfiguration.cpp (in the 
> builddir) for instance.
>     My initial patch (the one in this RR) fixes that testcase fully because 
> all skeletons share the same ready-to-use KSharedConfig, and none of them 
> call reparseConfiguration in the first call to readConfig(). I.e. with 
> sharing in mind, it makes more sense to say that it's the job of the KConfig 
> to do the initial parsing than of KConfigSkeleton (of which there could be 
> more than one). Of course this approach doesn't help with subsequent 
> reparsings though (on a "config changed" signal) ... each readConfig() will 
> trigger a full reparsing of the config file behind the scenes.... not great. 
> It's starting to sound like we should offer a variant of readConfig() which 
> just never calls reparseConfiguration(), i.e. leave that up to the 
> application to deal with. At least for oxygen that would be perfect :-) For 
> simple apps readConfig() would stay.
>     Conclusion: if you don't like this RR, I'm ok with 
> http://www.davidfaure.fr/2014/delayedparsing.diff + a readConfig(NoReparse) 
> or a separate method for which I can't find a good name right now.
> Matthew Dawson wrote:
>     While readConfig doesn't necessarily imply reading values from disk, the 
> documentation specifically states that it does ( 
> http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/kconfig/html/classKCoreConfigSkeleton.html#a3772e0cd58790c312b8d0802bc78a70c
>  ).  As we both agree, most applications don't care about a change in 
> behaviour here.  I just worry some might in a subtle way that is hard to 
> detect with this change.  If readConfig broke in obvious way because of this 
> change, I wouldn't care as developers would know to make this change.
>     For my second suggestion, I'm basically suggesting a static function that 
> looks like:
>     template<typename T>
>     T *makeConfigSkeletonWithoutReparse<T>(KSharedConfig::Ptr ptr)
>     {
>       T *obj = new T(ptr);
>       obj->privateReadConfigWithoutReparse();
>       return obj;
>     }
>     The oxygen code can just call this function to get the right object back, 
> and the privateReadConfigWithoutReparse will avoid the reparseConfiguration 
> call.  Generated code from kconfig_compiler can easily use this for 
> construction, and projects can automatically pick up the enhancement.  It 
> would be similar to using the KConfig::openConfig call.
>     I'd be fine with an alternate readConfig (name suggestion: parseConfig, 
> thus (re-)parsing the given KConfig).  Then my second suggestion can just go 
> away.  I do worry that readConfig is currently a virtual, and thus 
> parseConfig won't make use of it.  Probably best would be to make readConfig 
> non-virtual, and make it basically call KConfig::reparseConfiguration, then 
> call parseConfig.  Then users just override parseConfig instead.  Code make 
> break because of this, but any code that moves to using c++11's override will 
> break in an obvious way.  Any other code will break if readConfig is called 
> through virtual dispatch, so it should be relatively obvious.  Add some 
> documentation updates, and it I think it will go over ok.
>     For delayedparsing.diff, can you throw it up on RB?  I'd like to get it 
> in too, but I have a few thoughts on it and I rather do that in a separate 
> request.
> David Faure wrote:
>     I don't like the template-factory-method, it makes for horrible API IMHO 
> :)
>     But I love your parseConfig() suggestion, so I shall go ahead an 
> implement it. It is much better because it fixes two issues: the N reparse on 
> startup when sharing the same config object between N skeletons, but *also* 
> the N reparse whenever we are notified that the config changed. (all my 
> patches until now didn't fix that). If e.g. oxygen takes care of calling 
> reparseConfiguration by itself upon a change, then it can simply call 
> parseConfig in all skeletons.
>     The one thing that might be confusing is the naming:
>      * in kconfigskeleton,  read(Config) = from disk,  parse(Config) = in 
> memory
>      * in kconfig,  read(Entry) = in memory, reparse(Configuration) = from 
> disk
>     !!!
>     If only I could rewrite the past, I would swap that in kconfigskeleton.
>     Alternatively, it's probably better to find another name for the new 
> method... loadConfig? (as in, loading from kconfig to skeleton members)
> Matthew Dawson wrote:
>     I'm not sure about loadConfig, as it kinda of implies loading from disk, 
> so I think the best solution would be rewriting history :)
>     Instead, maybe the best is to use use loadConfig to mean reading from 
> disk.  So the matrix looks like:
>      * kconfigskeleton: load(Config) = from disk, parse(Config) = in memory
>      * kconfig:         (re?)load(Configuration) = from disk, read(Entry) = 
> memory -> though maybe even change this to parseEntry?
>     Assuming readEntry stays the same, the load* functions are just a rename. 
>  So the old names can be marked as deprecated, and the documentation points 
> to the names.  SC/BC is simple, since the one function just calls the other.  
> And people still using readConfig get a huge warning about the fact they need 
> to change to parseConfig.
>     For more symmetry, readEntry can change to parseEntry, with a similar 
> deprecation.  I'm not sure this is really necessary, as parseConfig is 
> different from readEntry.  Also, this change can be done separately, so it 
> shouldn't hold up the more useful optimization.
>     Alternate thought: why are the methods even named readEntry?  That 
> implies they actually parse the data returned.  They could just as easily be 
> named fetchEntry, getEntry, or just entry.  writeEntry is the same, it 
> doesn't actually hit the disk, so it could be put* or set*.  Thoughts?
> David Faure wrote:
>     I like load(). Anyone seeing two calls to load() on the same object will 
> wonder about the possible bad effect on performance, since it sounds heavy :)
>     Renaming readEntry: veto! This is the most called method of them all, the 
> porting effort would be huge, just to make the two of us happy with naming :-)
>     And read/write from memory doesn't seem so crazy (QBuffer, QMetaProperty, 
> Q*Item etc. do this too).
>     Overall I like your suggested matrix, but now we should look at 
> minimizing the porting.
>     KConfig::reparseConfiguration() wasn't misleading, before KConfigXT. The 
> only reason for "reparsing" is reading the ini file on disk an updating the 
> in-memory cache. However the problem with KConfigSkeleton is that it's one 
> layer on top of KConfig. So parsing/loading there is all about getting stuff 
> from KConfig. So yeah, to align naming, I could see loadConfiguration() [Qt 
> says: no abbreviations] in both layers for "loading from disk". (Not 
> "reload", given the new Delayed flag (to be renamed to DelayedLoading), in 
> which case this would also be about the initial loading from disk).
>     It just occured to me that all this "Config" or "Configuration" in the 
> method names is rather useless, this is about KConfig* anyway.
>     So how about just load()?
>     With all this in mind my current suggestion for a game plan would be:
>     1) New method KConfigSkeleton::read() for reading from KConfig without 
> loading (i.e. without disk usage)
>     2) KConfigSkeleton::readConfig() deprecated for new name 
> KConfigSkeleton::load()
>     3) KConfig::reparseConfiguration() deprecated for new name KConfig::load()
>     What do you think?
> Matthew Dawson wrote:
>     I agree the porting effort for renaming readEntry would be huge.  I just 
> threw it out there as it popped into mind.
>     I like your final game plan, so I think it is the best path forward.  I 
> just have a couple of additions.
>     Since we are going down the renaming path, I was thinking of the write 
> side.  I think it be good to standardize the naming.  Right now KConfig uses 
> sync(), while KCoreConfigSkeleton uses writeConfig().  Since writeEntry() 
> exists, and is the larger porting effort, I think both should become sync().  
> So, the game plan would get:
>     4) Deprecate KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig() for the new name 
> KCoreConfigSkeleton::sync().
>     Also, don't forget the usr*Config functions.  I don't think they should 
> just be renamed, as quite a bit of software relies on them.  I think 
> replacement functions could be created, and those replacements call the 
> originals.  So, also add:
>     5) Deprecate KCoreConfigSkeleton::usr*Config() for 
> KCoreConfigSkeleton::usrLoad()/KCoreConfigSkeleton::usrSync().
> David Faure wrote:
>     Hmm, sync() could sound a bit like what load() does, i.e. "the file 
> changed on disk, sync the kconfig object with it, i.e. load it". But of 
> course historically it didn't mean that.
>     Since it's the opposite of load(), naming it save() would have seemed 
> much more intuitive to me.
>     Especially since (see documentation), while it merges with independent 
> changes on disk, it doesn't actually load these changes into the object. So 
> it's really just a save(), not a sync=save+load.
>     In suggestion 5, you mean adding non-virtual forwarding methods? But 
> these are protected virtual methods, so it would be pointless. IOW the only 
> API there is "what should I reimplement", which can only be one or the 
> other...
> Matthew Dawson wrote:
>     I choose sync for similarity, and to avoid porting work.  In KConfig, 
> sync() doesn't re-read anything, so I agree that calling it save() makes more 
> sense.  I'd even prefer to rename them.  Unforunately, lxr makes it hard to 
> find a re-implementation of sync (since it is virtual).  It probably wouldn't 
> be too bad to deprecate and change over to save() though.
>     Oddly enough, KCoreConfigSkeleton does in fact do a read after the write. 
>  I can't find out why, as I traced the code back to when it was committed, 
> and it was just part of the file with no rationale given.  I want to 
> investigate that, as it seems pointless.
>     I meant to rename the usr*Config functions.  In the interest of 
> maintaining SC/BC, I was thinking to also keep the original methods.  I'd be 
> just as happy to kick them to the curb, but they have some significant usage 
> according lxr.kde.org.  Keeping them around would at least allow for porting 
> to be easier.
> David Faure wrote:
>     Replying in order:
>     In all my years in KDE I have never seen someone reimplement 
> KConfig::sync() indeed. We could de-virtualize it.
>     Read after write pointless? Well, the values have been updated on disk 
> and are available, we might as well use them? Not 100% sure. It's true that 
> in the cases where we care for showing changes by other processes, we ensure 
> there's some notification anyway, in which case we reload anyway 
> (independently from the saving code).
>     One thing I realized when writing 116845: the name of the virtual method 
> usrReadConfig() is just fine. We should NOT rename that to usrLoad() since 
> it's called by read(), not only by load().   load() -> read() -> 
> usrReadConfig().

In order as well:

Looking over how the classes behave, I believe it exists as a virtual so that 
KConfig and KConfigGroup can both behave as KConfigBase, allowing for software 
to take a KConfigBase, and store their settings in there, along with request it 
to save.  So renaming sync() -> save() should be safe, and a compatibility 
save() can be kept in KConfigBase, keeping SC.

Unless the values have changed on disk, then saving should mean re-reading the 
values will produce the exact same result.  The only values that can change are 
other un-modified values.  The api documentation also doesn't mention this.  I 
rather have a sync() function that writes and the reads, as save() doesn't 
imply there will be a read.  At least for now, removing the extra read would be 
good.  If users end up often doing a save+load, a simple sync() function can be 
added for that case.

Oops, I meant to rename it to usrRead(), not usrLoad().

- Matthew

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On Feb. 27, 2014, 4:18 p.m., David Faure wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/116461/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Feb. 27, 2014, 4:18 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks and Matthew Dawson.
> Repository: kconfig
> Description
> -------
> KConfigSkeleton: avoid calling reparseConfiguration() immediately after 
> creation.
> KConfig already parses the config files from disk in the constructor,
> which is necessary for non-KConfigXT users. However when using KConfigXT
> the first thing one has to do after creation is to call readConfig(),
> which should therefore not call reparseConfiguration the first time.
> strace -e open kate |& grep -v NOENT | grep oxygenrc | wc -l
>   went from 4 to 1 --> bingo, goal reached!
>   (and when looking for kdeglobals, from 10 to 7)
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/core/kcoreconfigskeleton.cpp 9c5fb4a80d500e81b483b749a137ad5f2c99a55f 
>   src/core/kcoreconfigskeleton_p.h 0b020ed3493186e699d872ddc7a9f9294d797a95 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/116461/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> (see commit log) + unittests in kconfig still pass.
> Thanks,
> David Faure

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