
On Tuesday 25 March 2014 16:41:12 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> On Monday 17 March 2014 18:15:09 Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > Adding kde-promo in CC since it might have implications on future
> > communication.
> Ok, reading the whole thing - it seems a simple dot story would be useful to
> explain that we've made some decisions that will be relevant for those
> porting their applications to Frameworks 5.

Could be a separate dot story, or could be part of the beta 1 announcement.

> If I understood it correctly, these decisions are:
> * Some major KDE technologies are deprecated and moved to KDE Porting Aids
> * KDE Porting Aids will have a limited shelf life of about three releases
> * List of tech to be in Porting aid not 100% finished but at least:
>  * khtml
>  * kjs
>  * kjsembed
>  * krunner
>  * kmediaplayer
>  * And of course it offers kdelibs4support (what is that exactly?)

It is mainly old deprecated API from modules which don't exist anymore (like 
kdecore and kdeui) or fully deprecated classes of existing modules (like some 
classes of kio).

> Also, these components are no longer part of KDE Frameworks 5, which you
> want to emphasize in the communication.

Right, very important point.

> Just imagine what header would you like to see on an announcement/article:
> * Frameworks 5 To Not Include Deprecated Technologies
> * KDE Porting Aids To Have Three Releases
> * Introducing KDE Porting Aids And Changes to Frameworks 5
> I'm guessing the first, but - just checking.

The first sounds negative to me, it'd sound like we completely drop them 
leaving people with no transition plan. Probably not the image we want to 

I think the third one although being more descriptive is the one with the 
least chances of being misrepresented.

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud supporter of KDE, http://www.kdab.com

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