
I wanted to ask how the platforms on the overview of 
http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/ are supposed to be 

E.g. for kwindowsystem it looks like:
* Linux supported
* Windows not supported
* MacOS X not supported

This is only half of the story, though. The framework can be compiled and used 
on all platforms. It just uses a fallback on Windows and MacOS. The same is 
also the case for Linux on non-X11. Even with a working backend on non-X11 
some parts of the API will only be available on X11.

What should I use in the metadata file to encode this correctly? I would 
prefer to have Windows and MacOS X not being crossed out, as that could be 
read like "cannot use" and would limit the possible usage of the framework.


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