El Dijous, 3 de juliol de 2014, a les 02:04:31, Aleix Pol va escriure:
> Hi,
> As you might have seen on my blog post [1],  I've been working on Android
> support for kde. Part of this effort resulted in a cmake toolchain file we
> can use to ensure everything is found properly and adds some help targets
> to generate the apk packages.
> Now I'd like to make sure everyone knows about this and can take advantage
> from it,  so I'd like to move it to ecm. It can use some love,  but it's
> already really useful.
> Where do you guys think this should go in ecm?
> If anyone is up for reviewing it, please take a look at [2].

I don't know much about Android itself so can't review, but yes, i think this 
should go to ECM so it makes Android support easier across the board.


P.S: If you don't find any reviewer in a few time i'd say just commit and then 
fix on demand/when bugs arise

> Thanks!
> Aleix
> [1] http://www.proli.net/2014/06/12/kde-software-on-android/
> [2] http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=scratch%2Fapol%2Fkalgebraandroid.git
> (AndroidToolchain.cmake,
> android-libkalgebratarget.so-deployment-settings.json, Platform/)

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