On Friday 22 August 2014 09:21:13 Marko Käning wrote: > 1) files installed by cmake indeed land where the application expects them > at runtime
You can write a script that checks that, using the "qtpaths" executable. For instance xmlgui says kxmlguiclient.cpp:199: const QString file = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation, QStringLiteral("ui/ui_standards.rc")); so the script can check that with qtpaths --locate-file ConfigLocation ui/ui_standards.rc which returns this, for me: /d/kde/inst/kde_frameworks/etc/xdg/ui/ui_standards.rc (technically it should be GenericConfigLocation but it's the same on Unix and GenericConfigLocation was only added recently to qtpaths). Another example, knotifications looks up .knotifyrc files using ./src/knotifyconfig.cpp:62: eventsfile = retrieve_from_cache(QStringLiteral("knotifications5/") + _appname + QStringLiteral(".notifyrc"), QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation); and kwallet installs its notifyrc file into PREFIX/share/knotifications5/kwalletd.notifyrc so we can find out if this file is going to be found by using qtpaths --locate-file GenericDataLocation knotifications5/kwalletd.notifyrc which works on my system too. But doing this for each and every file is a huge amount of work, I'm stopping here. Feel free to take over, now that you know how. -- David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr Working on KDE Frameworks 5 _______________________________________________ Kde-frameworks-devel mailing list Kde-frameworks-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-frameworks-devel