On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 08:50:12 +1300, Ben Cooksley wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2014 at 5:44 AM, Stephen Kelly <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Is build.kde.org now using the release branch of cmake.git instead of the
> > next branch? When/why did that change?
> This was changed around about
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-frameworks-devel/2014-June/016670.html
> The motivation behind the change was to get the CI system to have the
> same setup as developers I think, and to avoid regressions in 3.1
> which had been causing some build problems at the time. Those same
> regressions are the ones causing us issues now.
> Interestingly, the commit which was identified as causing the issue
> occurred back in March, yet this thread was in June. So perhaps there
> may be other commits interacting here (or that was the time when the
> commit previously identified was merged into the next branch).

Earlier this year, I was working on lots of performance metrics of CMake
and this was part of it. There ended up being more than a dozen branches
resulting from that work (some of them still unmerged). Doing some
digging shows that this is where the commit finally hit master:

    commit bd20dd6b8a925a421167602027fff9b904fd0822
    Merge: b041fc1 e17a69b
    Author: Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com>
    Date:   Thu Jun 12 11:28:44 2014 -0400

so June looks right.

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