Ok, pushed to kde:ksshaskpass now. I'll request it move to kdereview
tomorrow. I would like at least one other person to try it before
that, as I'm the only one that has built and run the kf5 port that I
know of.


On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Jeremy Whiting <jpwhit...@kde.org> wrote:
> Ok, pushed to scratch/whiting/ksshaskpass the original sources from
> 0.5.3 on first commit, and a commit to port to kf5 which seems to work
> ok here. I removed the RPATH exception since that made the binary not
> able to find KF5CoreAddons.so here. If it should be left in and some
> other method works to help it find the libraries it needs that's ok by
> me (if you can tell me how to make it work here too).
> If anyone interested can look at my commit porting to kf5 I'd
> appreciate it. After a few days I'll request a real git repo for it
> and put it in kdereview for the required 2 weeks, then move it to
> kde/workspace unless someone has a better idea for it. It only needs
> CoreAddons, WidgetsAddons, I18n, and Wallet frameworks.
> thanks,
> Jeremy
> On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Jeremy Whiting <jpwhit...@kde.org> wrote:
>> Ok, I'll push it to git somewhere today and let the list know where so
>> it can get reviewed. One question I have is where should it end up
>> ultimately? In frameworks with/inside kwallet? in
>> kde/workspace/plasma-desktop ?
>> thanks,
>> Jeremy
>> On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 11:34 AM, laurent Montel <mon...@kde.org> wrote:
>>> Le Saturday 01 November 2014 10:29:13 Jeremy Whiting a écrit :
>>>> I was wondering about that myself last night. I have a mostly finished
>>>> port to kf5 here on my disk if we want it.
>>> Ah you did it ?:)
>>> So it's in your hand so :)
>>>> By the way I didn't find
>>>> any git or svn repo for the old code, did it have one?
>>> No it's for this reason that I asked to Armin Berres to move it in kde 
>>> project
>>> :)
>>>> All the distros
>>>> were grabbing it from kde-apps.org from what I saw.
>>> Indeed.
>>> Regards
>>>> BR,
>>>> Jeremy
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