Am Samstag, 21. März 2015, 11:06:02 schrieb Matthew Dawson:
> On March 21, 2015 04:00:11 PM Mathias Kraus wrote:
> > =======
> > KConfig config(QLatin1String("kminesrc"));
> > config.reparseConfiguration();
> > =======
> Sorry, my suggestion of using reparseConfiguration wasn't clear.  I meant 
> using it against the global KSharedConfig, not a newly created KConfig.  
> Instead, try:
> KSharedConfig::openConfig()->reparseConfiguration();
> And see if that helps (untested here).

Yes, that works. Should have told you what I tried.
Thanks very much. Now we need to update all kf5 games. I will do it for 
granatier but don't know if I have enough time to do it for all games. Will try 
to do it though.

Could this also be necessary for non-game applications?

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