
I'm writing this to inform you that KF5 is not compilable under MSVC2012 as-is 
right now. This is the minimum required version as of [1].

Biggest issues are initializer-lists and non-static data member 
initialization, default + deleted functions (example patch against kdecoration 
here: [2]).

My question: 
- Do we even want to hold the requirement on MSVC2012?
  - People want to use new features from C++11, and they do it
  - Patches like [2] feel like going one step back again
- To me, it would make more sense to just lift our req. to MSVC2013
  (with much better (despite still broken) C++11 support anyway)

Opinions? If you want, I can make sure KF5 builds on MSVC2013, at least, in 
irregular intervals.


[2] https://paste.kde.org/pspfos96w

Kevin Funk | kf...@kde.org | http://kfunk.org

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