
This is problem on Windows because the *final* installation location is not 
known at compile-time (obviously software is installed via installers, users 
can pick up the installation prefix). Of course this also limits the 
relocateability on other platforms, so it's not just a Windows issue per se.

I've found this, which describes the issue in detail:

Consider this code (kio.git):
   const QLatin1String libExecDir(CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBEXECDIR_KF5);
   const QString kioslaveExecutable =
     QStandardPaths::findExecutable("kioslave", {libExecDir});

Similar code exists in other frameworks.

- Hard-coding the install path is a no-go (for sure on Windows)

How can we solve this?

- Generic solution:
  - Add new API such as KSomeFittingClass::libexecPaths()
    which returns a list of candidates based on the platform
  - Then just do:
     `QSP::findExecutable("myexe", KSomeFittingClass::libexecPaths())`
- Windows solution only (also less pretty):
  - In every place where CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBEXECDIR_KF5 is used:
  - Replace install prefix by QCA::applicationDirPath() via #ifdef


Kevin Funk | kf...@kde.org | http://kfunk.org

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