Hi David,

On 10 Oct 2015, at 15:37 , David Faure <fa...@kde.org> wrote:
> OK, so we're not talking about the organization of the FTP directories, but 
> about HTML pages.
> That's quite different (a single HTML page could point to multiple FTP 
> directories, for instance).


> Does https://www.kde.org/info/kde-frameworks-5.15.0.php work for this?
> Well, the above has all you need for z==0.

Looks good for z=0…

> For z > 0, I previously sometimes made a separate page, but that's not 
> automated and I'm lazy
> so I actually forgot for kservice 5.14.z.
> Might be simpler for me to just add entries into that table above, and then 
> it would work better
> for you, right?

I think it’s indeed simpler to just append a section to above page which lists 
all incoming patch
releases for the respective x.y version.

This way MacPorts’ livecheck could easily find out whether there is a new 
patch-version z present.

The creation of the patch-release section could surely be automated by a script 
which would have
to be executed on every patch release.


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