On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Boudewijn Rempt <b...@valdyas.org> wrote:

> Well, sure, stuff can break. However, without changes like this, KDE's
> Frameworks libraries are _not fit for purpose_. These libraries _can not
> be used_ by the intended user group, that is application developers,
> except for the tiny minority that only targets Linux, and only cares
> about having their applications packaged by distributions. As for Krita,
> we currently maintain builds for three distributions, and I can't wait
> for the day we can have a generic linux build like Blender and Firefox.
> I've talked myself hoarse selling frameworks to dozens of interested
> people at the QtWS in Berlin, none of whom cared about how Linux
> distributions would package their software, but I'm honestly going to have
> to copy a bunch of code and cut it down, instead of using the libraries
> them- selves. Claiming, as people have done in the past, that that's
> because my attitude is bad or because I refuse to do the right thing
> is wrong-headed. People who make a library must make it fit for use,
> and not demand that their target users adapt or skip using it.

I have to agree with Harald here though, I would also expect
the frameworks to be bunch of pre-built dlls you just install
system-wide and build on top of that, not create your own
custom builds of everything, for every app with different features
combo. At which point this all wouldn't be so much of a problem
I believe.

Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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