
> Hello,
> On Tuesday 20 October 2015 19:49:54 Aleix Pol wrote:
>> 3) non-existing stuff? really? Let's rephrase it as: "Frameworks will
>> only be advertised as available on a platform if they are just require
>> Qt or other available dependencies on the platform". For example,
>> requiring libssh could be an acceptable dependency.
> Isn't it a rephrased definition of Tier 1?
> Tier 1 frameworks are supposed to depend only on Qt and platform libraries.
Yeah, wrong again :/
Including other frameworks, I meant.

But beside that, perhaps 3) is not even needed given 2) says "Can be 
self-contained shipped in an application bundle (self-installer/mac app 
That more or less implies you only have "reasonable" dependencies that can be 
bundled, too.


----------------------------- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann ---------
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