On Tuesday 03 November 2015 11:06:00 Alex Merry wrote:
> On 2015-11-03 00:56, Michael Pyne wrote:
> > On Tue, November 3, 2015 00:40:58 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> >> Someone went a bit too far in the "port away from time_t to QDateTime" 
> >> and
> >> changed the timestamp member of the KPixmapCacheIndexHeader struct.
> >> 
> >> According to mpyne and thiago this is a big no-no.
> > 
> > The reason it's a big no-no is because KPixmapCacheIndexHeader is meant 
> > to be
> > held and used from mmap()'d shared memory, which generally requires the 
> > use of
> > plain old data (POD) types only, to avoid inadvertent constructor or
> > destructor calls once the memory is freed.
> > 
> > QDateTime will (and is) leak applications to crash so I'd +1 the
> > recommendation to change back to time_t (or at least some kind of 
> > integral
> > type), and the type is internal-only so there's no API concern. Just 
> > don't
> > forget to bump the defined KPIXMAPCACHE_VERSION so that old caches are 
> > flushed
> > ;).
> Also, in practice, I believe time_t is everywhere we care about - we 
> just have to take a little care about what API calls we use.

Right. On the other hand, it will break in 2039 on 32 bit machines,
so nowadays I use "qint64 msecs" and QDateTime::fromMsecsSinceEpoch

But anyway, we can hope kdelibs4support won't exist anymore in 2039 ;)

David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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