On 2015-11-06 10:34, René J.V. Bertin wrote:

I've been building KF5 frameworks to install under /opt/local on a
KUbuntu 14.04 host running a KDE4 desktop, using the same packaging
scripts I'm developing for Mac OS X (MacPorts; evidently with some
modifications for using them on Linux). I'm not patching the source
code except where that's unavoidable.

After running certain autotests (make test in the build directory)
working remotely, I found my KDE4 desktop with the number of virtual
desktops reset to 1. I am suspecting the kwindowsystem autotests.
Is this possible or indeed to be expected?

Supposing this is because KF5 will by default use the same user
configuration/preferences directory as KDE4 (~/.kde), where is this
path defined, and what is the best/official way to change it to a
dedicated path? For KDE4 one could set KDE_DEFAULT_HOME to the desired
location when building kdelibs4; where has this been moved with KF5?


The autotests are supposed to use a special magic test directory for configuration and preferences (see http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstandardpaths.html#setTestModeEnabled). So they shouldn't be writing anywhere outside that. If they are, it's a bug (either in the autotests or in Qt).

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