On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 4:37 PM, David Edmundson
<da...@davidedmundson.co.uk> wrote:
> AlternativesModel doesn't seem like a good name. Alternate to what?
> ---------
> /** @returns the job that will perform the share of the specified @p data.*/
> what data?

Eh... right. I'll also change the method name.

> ------
> Does the JSON blob in Job::setData() match the X-Purpose-OutboundArguments
> of that plugin?
> I don't seem to be able to access what those args are from C++ like
> Configuration::neededArguments
> Why JSON here rather than QVariantMap? It's all internal to C++ API.

X-Purpose-OutboundArguments is specified in the plugin json file.

> ---------
> In the pastebin plugin why are you registering the KJob with the job
> tracker?
> You're returning the progress via the kjob the plugin gives back, and the
> relevant UI should do it.

Yeah.. maybe it doesn't make sense. I'll just remove it from there now.

> --------
> import Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts 0.1 as OA
> Can we depend on that? Seems weird.
> Definitely needs mentioning in CMake

It's mentioned in here: find_package(QMLModule 0.1 COMPONENTS

> --------
> saveas/saveasplugin.json
> probably best to avoid swearing in a release.

Did it make you swear?

> --------
> That ktp plugin is fine for a demo of things, but it is not release
> material.
> The job will return that you've shared things even if you click cancel, also
> you say it will return a URL in the json blob and it doesn't.

Right, could use some love. I'll see if I can get it there or just
disable it for now.

> -----
> There's a comment
>      * This shouldn't require to have the job actually running on the same
> process as the app.

It means that the plugin should be able to run in a separate process.
In a KIO kind of way.

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