On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 11:56 PM, Mark Gaiser <mark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Aleix Pol <aleix...@kde.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been working on Purpose since some months now, with the intention
>> of becoming a framework some day. Some information about it can be
>> read here:
>> https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/libs/purpose/repository/revisions/master/entry/README.md
>> As it is right now it's a tier 2 framework (kcoreaddons and ki18n)
>> plus the plugins. Plugins raise the tier to 3 because of KIO which is
>> used by some plugins.
>> As it is now, it's being used by: Kamoso, QuickShare plasmoid and
>> KDevelop for patch sharing. I'd like to see it used in other cases
>> than sharing as well as in other applications, but here's where we are
>> at the moment. I think it's something to build upon.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Aleix
> Hi Aleix,
> I'm trying to understand what Purpose is doing exactly.
> I've read the readme file, but i still can't quite figure out what it's
> doing or where i might be able to use it.
> Could you give a short summary with a clear example where to use it? That
> would help me :)

Well, the shortcut to explaining it is that it's quite similar to
Android intents.

The idea is that you identify some tasks you can group, for example:
- share, where you can get the different services to share
- getImage that would list your scanner, camera and also some web services.
- addContact that would let you add a contact on your address book or
gmail directly.

Then you receive the results in a nice and simple tuple. The input and
output arguments depend on the kind of task you are performing.

I hope this made sense
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