> On Dec. 10, 2015, 10:11 p.m., Thomas Lübking wrote:
> > 1. What tells you that this is a dialog buttonbox pushbutton?
> > 2. What happens if the button has no text?
> > 
> > 
> > The bug is in QDialogButtonBox (or rather the K variant, 
> > QDialogButtonBoxPrivate::createButton() seems to incorporate the hint 
> > correctly)
> > 
> > 
> > [KDE] has "ShowIconsOnPushButtons=false" in kdeglobals which was 
> > interpreted by KPushButton _and_ kstyle for the hint, but the hint only 
> > covers Q'DialogButtonBox'es - there's simply no global rule for this like 
> > AA_DontShowIconsInMenus
> > 
> > => KDialogButtonBox shall respect the hint for its buttons (there're two 
> > special creation routines).
> > 
> > For the rest, the platform plugin ideally picks the kdeglobals setting and 
> > exports it to the application object (dyn property?) where the style can 
> > pick it and incorporate it into its calculations (ie. if no icons are 
> > wanted and there's text or arrow, omit the icon in size calculation and 
> > painting)
> > 
> > "Fixing" that in deprecated KPushButton doesn't really fix anything. We'll 
> > face the mix we had, just that users of QPushButton were far less prone to 
> > pass them an icon in pre-KF5 times.
> > 
> > Please also attach Hugo Pereira Da Costa.
> René J.V. Bertin wrote:
>     1: why should one care? It is said nowhere that the setting defined as 
> "show icons on buttons" in `systemsettings(5)` applies only to dialogs. 
> Rather, the tooltip says "when this is enabled, KDE applications will show 
> icons alongside [sic!] some important buttons".
>     In other words, when "this" is *not* enabled, there should be no icons, 
> period.
>     I have found no sign in the code that the ShowIconsOnPushButtons hint is 
> to be used only for dialogs; `SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons` indeed 
> carries the suggestion in its name but I would not be surprised if Qt really 
> thinks of it in a more general sense. Probably also because the notion of 
> what a dialog is has become a lot vaguer.
>     And that also happens to be what Qt does; buttons show their icons on 
> Linux (and other Unix variants?) but on OS X or MS Windows displaying of 
> those icons is deactivated unless you use a style that enables it. In fact, 
> the default setting for `SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons` is false except 
> in the generic Unix theme (= it does work globally like 
> `AA_DontShowIconsInMenus` everywhere else).
>     2: a user who indicates s/he doesn't want to see icons will get an empty 
> button. That's also what can happen with QPushButton, and app developers have 
> to take this into consideration. Cf. toolbars (and Qt's position on the use 
> of "texted separators").
>     I don't think I've ever come across a standard button showing only an 
> icon, except possibly the arrow button next to the progress indicators in 
> KMail and KDevelop.
>     As to fixing it here: as it turns out, "here" is the main source for 
> annoying icons rearing their silly heads on buttons on my screen ;) and it 
> was also something of a challenge to understand why they kept appearing 
> despite the fact that all code appeared to return the value of 
> `ShowIconsOnPushButtons`. Deprecated or not, it doesn't look like all 
> applications are going to stop using it anytime soon.
>     I looked into fixing the issue in KDialogButtonBox but saw that it does 
> nothing to override the `ShowIconsOnPushButtons` setting. The only way to 
> respect the setting through that class (or a modern equivalent) would be to 
> set an empty icon if `ShowIconsOnPushButtons=false`. That introduces another 
> regression: changes in this setting are supposed to be reflected by running 
> applications without requiring a restart (or a recreation of dialogs). If it 
> were just me I'd decree that buttons can have either text or an icon, but 
> right now we have to make do with this mixed situation.
>     I don't mind making this an OS X (and MS Windows) specific modification, 
> of course, but on those platforms
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     > 1: why should one care?
>     Because, as explained, that is what the hint says. Nothing else.
>     > I have found no sign in the code that the ShowIconsOnPushButtons hint 
> is to be used only for dialogs
>     No, but it's been used to feed SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons *AND* 
> KPushButton.
>     ShowIconsOnPushButtons implied SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons but 
> NOT vv.
>     The approach is wrong, since you're abusing the hint for generalisation.
>     > but on OS X or MS Windows
>     ... Qt uses native elements which might simply globally downforce the 
> pushbutton icon nonsense (as could any style - I was more than once close to 
> doing that in virtuality)
>     Eg. Breeze might do that on favor of the HIG, but that's not relevant 
> here.
>     Downforcing in KPushButton means to operate on legacy code only and fixes 
> nothing.
>     Downforcing in a style (only) is the styles choice only.
>     We simply need to ensure to
>     a) respect SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons in KDialogButtonBox
>     b) forward the offered variable to a position where the style can pick 
> it. (As alternative, the style can read it directly, but that "requires" it 
> to link KDE in order to *correctly* read kdeglobals)
>     > in KDialogButtonBox but saw that it does nothing to override the 
> ShowIconsOnPushButtons setting
>     Err... what? The problem will be in "KDialogButtonBox::addButton(const 
> KGuiItem &guiitem, .)", you need to get rid of the icon after 
> KGuiItem::assign() if SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons is false (for the 
> other function, Qt should do correctly)
>     And to repeat myself: that has *nothing* to do with 
> ShowIconsOnPushButtons - you can ignore that value in this position, it feeds 
> the stylehint via the platform plugin, but in this position *only* the 
> stylehint matters.
>     ShowIconsOnPushButtons is orthogonal and supposed to cover _all_ 
> Q/KPushButtons and must therefore be forwarded to and caught by the style as 
> suggested (or by any equivalent implementation)
> René J.V. Bertin wrote:
>     With all due respect, this seems like overzealous application of a 
> principle that doesn't really apply, making things overly complicated.
>     So, I was right that *"ShowIconsOnPushButtons is orthogonal and supposed 
> to cover all Q/KPushButtons"*. Inside/under a KDE environment, I presume, so 
> also for "pure Qt" applications that get to use the KdePlatformPlugin in 
> order to blend in?
>     In that case, it doesn't matter how some central bit of KDE code achieves 
> this. *All that counts is the end result that users see*, and that this end 
> result is consistent. If they can reasonably expect that the control that 
> toggles `ShowIconsOnPushButtons` has an immediate effect on just about all 
> buttons, if SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons allows to achieve this and if 
> Qt itself already uses the parameter in situations outside of a 
> QDialogButtonBox context, then I think there is no harm in using that 
> parameter. If there were a setting call `HandYourDirtyLaundryOutToDry` which 
> has the desired effect (and no undesirable side-effects), then we'd be using 
> that (and asking Qt what they think about all that :)).
>     Am I right that the only buttons Qt provides that can show icons 
> automatically as a function of their role are the ones in a QDialogButtonBox? 
> Either way, whatever the idea of the developer who introduced 
> `SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons` was, the code seems to have evolved 
> since to use it in a broader context. (Or the opposite is going on, in which 
> case I think that this would already have been pointed out to me on the Qt ML 
> and/or bug report.)
>     The main point here is that I can see no unexpected side-effects of 
> generalising `SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons`. Qt's idea must have been 
> that it should be possible to hide icons assigned automatically to the 
> buttons that have this feature, but not the ones assigned by developers to 
> buttons that do not provide automatic icons. That idea is not violated in a 
> context where the parameter is generalised to hide the icons on all buttons.
>     Also:
>     ```
>         /**
>          * This function determines if the user wishes to see icons on the
>          * push buttons.
>          *
>          * @return Returns true if user wants to show icons.
>          * @deprecated since 5.0, use 
> style->styleHint(QStyle::SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons, 0, widget);
>          */
>         static KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED bool showIconsOnPushButtons();
>     ```
>     seems to be very clear...
>     The KdePlatformPlugin already respects the `ShowIconsOnPushButtons` 
> setting and returns it when queried for the corresponding hint. I hope that 
> should be enough to ensure that `QDialogButtonBox` buttons don't show their 
> icons when so requested, but have yet to confirm that.
>     Did I say that I agree that patching KPushButton has limited interest, 
> even if it does solve part of the problem currently, namely that of 
> applications building dialog-like interfaces without using Q/KDialogButtonBox 
> (and using KPushButton instead).
>     If KDialogButtonBox is not (or less) deprecated I (or someone else) can 
> indeed modify it so that it respects `SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons`, 
> but again, I think that can only be done by ignoring the icon when the 
> buttons are created. You'd still get icons though if there is a way to change 
> the icon on those buttons, and applications use that.
>     And that still doesn't address the fact that QPushButtons should also 
> respect `ShowIconsOnPushButtons` . The only way I see to achieve that 
> currently that does not involve patching Qt is to oblige all code to check 
> for the corresponding KDE style hint (or global setting, but see the 
> deprecation note above), and assign an icon only when the feature is 
> requested by the user. That seems like a strong argument to reintroduce 
> KPushButton to me ...
>     BTW: let me be pedantic for a bit, and point out that 
> `ShowIconsOnPushButtons` literal meaning suggests that *all* push buttons 
> should show an icon if the parameter is true. Ultimately that means that the 
> setting has been violated for ages, maybe not the same way I'm proposing to 
> violate `SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons` but still :)
>     > >but on OS X or MS Windows
>     > ... Qt uses native elements
>     Actually, no. Not on OS X at least, and not in the sense that a 
> QPushButton is implemented using an NSButton. I was under that impression 
> myself, until it was pointed out to me that "QWidgets (and QML) don't use 
> native UI views. They draw everything themself (or refrain from drawing, in 
> case of button icons). The drawing is done in the style (qmacstyle_mac.mm in 
> this case)." And I can confirm that this is true: on OS X I can use the XCB 
> QPA and request the macintosh style, which gives me a X11 windows (local *or* 
> remote) that have the exact same content as "native" windows, up to a scale 
> factor and some colour differences. I'd been wondering how this was possible, 
> now I know.
>     (before anyone jumps at the thought of getting a true Mac theme on their 
> KDE desktop: I suppose it still requires basic drawing routines and other 
> [ObjC] APIs only available on a Mac :P)
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
>     With all due respect, anything else simply makes no sense :-P
>     See, the shortest cut to "please no superfluous icons on pushbuttons" is 
> to have the style omit them.
>     It's also the only global and with deprecation of KPushButton the only 
> relevant approach.
>     Agreed?
>     Now, SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons is a hint *from* the style to 
> "something" (the ButtonBox in particular) to not add icons to (certain) 
> pushbuttons.
>     If it's turned into a global hint *from* the style *to* something for 
> something  that only the style can actually provide, it's pointless. Do we 
> agree on that? The style knows "i don't want to see icons on pushbuttons", it 
> doesn't really have to share that info with the world (at least not for this 
> purpose) - or itself.
>     Now the only remaining question is "How do we make the style know what it 
> wants".
>     1. The behavior is hardcoded in the style or the style has maybe some 
> private config key for it
>     2. There's a central KDE setting that is to be honored by anything 
> inheriting KStyle and can ideally be read by anything being a plain QStyle as 
> well.
>     The central setting exists and you promote to abuse 
> SH_DialogButtonBox_ButtonsHaveIcons to propagate it.
>     Leaving the abuse character aside, the patch doesn't really get you what 
> you wanted to achieve (QPushButtons still have undesired icons everywhere) 
> and will be increasingly useless by KPushButton -> QPushButton replacements.
>     => To get what you want, you'll have to change KStyle/Breeze/Other styles 
> _or_ QPushButton.
>     Much luck on the latter but if you resolve this within *Style (what is 
> imo the only correct solution, because QStyle is the LAF abstraction in Qt), 
> walking across the StyleHint is just CPU burning, therefore the likely abuse 
> is pointless.
>     So my proposal is to
>     a) fix KDialogButtonBox (it's a bug and bugs exist to be fixed - even in 
> deprecated code, notably if it's still widely used)
>     b) Wire up the kglobals setting from the platform plugin into the 
> application where QStyle implementations can pick it up.
>     The alternative to (b) is to let styles deal this locally (and ditch the 
> gui config, resp. interpret it for dialogbuttonboxes only since that's the 
> only thing we can effectively control - at least for KStyle inheritors that 
> do not override the hint...)
>     I'll provide a patch for (a), you take your preference on (b) and maybe 
> Hugo wants to say a word ;-)
> Hugo Pereira Da Costa wrote:
>     Damn, 
>     thats a long thread.
>     I have no objection against 
>     1/ adding (well, me adding, or someone adding) a new option in breeze to 
> disable icon on *all* buttons, 
>     2/ or honouring the kdeglobals showIconsOnPushButtons in breeze
>     3/ or in oxygen 
>     4/ or in kstyle (and let other QStyle based style do the same)
>     My pereference would go to 2+4
>     And I believe this is the best way to achieve whats intended

Note however that there are subtleties on the style side:
1/ there are toolbooton that can be non-autoraised and thus mimic a normal 
pushbutton. Should the icon be hidden on these ?
2/ there are pushbutton that can be rendered flat and thus mimic a normal 
toolbutton. Should the icon be rendered on these ? 

- Hugo

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On Dec. 11, 2015, 12:47 p.m., René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126308/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Dec. 11, 2015, 12:47 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Software on Mac OS X, KDE Frameworks, Qt KDE, and Hugo 
> Pereira Da Costa.
> Repository: kdelibs4support
> Description
> -------
> KF5 applications have long had a habit of drawing icons on buttons even when 
> this feature was turned off in the user's setting. This was mostly noticeable 
> in applications built on kdelibs4support.
> It seems that the actual culprit is in Qt's QPushButton implementation 
> (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-49887), but it is possible to work 
> around it in `KPushButton::paintEvent`, by removing the icon (forcing it to 
> the null icon) in the option instance, before handing off control to the 
> painter.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/kdeui/kpushbutton.cpp 98534fa 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126308/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> On Kubuntu 14.04 and OS X 10.9.5 with Qt 5.5.1 and KF5 frameworks 5.16.0 .
> I have not yet verified if there are other classes where this modification 
> would be relevant too.
> Thanks,
> René J.V. Bertin

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