> On Jan. 26, 2016, 6:40 p.m., Aleix Pol Gonzalez wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm a bit afraid of all these ifndef. Do you think it would make sense to 
> > abstract out the KGlobalAccel usage?
> > 
> > Otherwise, would it be possible to make KGlobalAccel useful (or just dumb) 
> > on Windows?
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
>     I would say: most applications do not need global accelerators, so making 
> kglobalaccel functional on windows is not really relevant, you wouldn't want 
> that dependency anyway because it doesn't add functionality. And building a 
> library and including it is always a burden, so I would say it's much better 
> to make it optional.
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Abstracting it out would also be quite invasive imho. And from my 
> experience abstraced (optional) features are even harder to maintain then 
> ifdefs where you can easily see the codepath taken when something is not 
> available. While side effects through abstraction are harder to see when 
> hacking on code.
>     As for the other point:
>     - GlobalAccel means that you basically need to have a keylogger on your 
> platform. I don't want that. There are system ways on Windows to create 
> global shortcuts already. Not as fine grained as KDE Actions but you could 
> use them to do command line calls.
>     - I don't really see this as a Windows only thing. KXmlGui provides very 
> useful features even without Global Shortcuts. And as for making KGlobalAccel 
> just dumb on Windows. While I think this would generally be a good idea I 
> expect that others (from Kde-Windows) who provide several KDE applications 
> and stuff like Systemsettings on Windows would disagree.
>     We could add a dummy class in KXmlGui thats used if KGlobalAccel is not 
> available? This could avoid lots of ifdefs. But this would add a bit 
> maintenance cost when new API is used. While the IFDEFS make it quite 
> transparent to hackers that if you do thomething with GlobalAccel "please 
> guard it".
> Aleix Pol Gonzalez wrote:
>     @boud, yes, I also thought about your RR, in fact I looked it up but 
> couldn't find it.
>     Ok, maybe it's actually the way to make xmlgui viable to deploy.
>     Take this as a +1 by me.
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     Could we maybe continue the route I went with making sure that 
> kglobalaccel doesn't start? I'm quite concerned about the ifdefs. If there 
> are still situations where kglobalacceld is started without being needed, 
> let's fix that. Let's make it a proper runtime thing instead of an ifdef 
> messery nobody will check.
>     I'm quite concerned about making the change optional as that's a route to 
> breakage with distros and as the maintainer of kglobalaccel I'm not looking 
> forward to those bug reports.
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
>     Well, part of the point, for me at least, is not having the dependency at 
> all. Any extra library, especially one that adds no functionality but is just 
> present,  is a burden just like #idefs are a burden.
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     What can we do to make the burden not so hard on your side without adding 
> the ifdefs? KGlobalaccel is basically a tier 1 - the higher number is due to 
> the runtime part. Would it help to make the runtime part optional? Would it 
> help to have a BC drop in replacement which just no-ops?
>     By doing the change as suggested here new burden is created and moved to 
> the shoulders of others. E.g. all Linux distributions which now have to be 
> more careful with packaging. So we need to find the right balance.
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
>     Well, for me personally it's water under the bridge. On the other hand, I 
> don't think that it's a burden for distributions: distributions always 
> install every dependency, even if it's optional. That is the big problem that 
> has led over the years to people complaining that Krita needed Marble, for 
> instance.
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     For me the build problem with KGlobalAccel is the build dependency to 
> DBus. BC drop in with No ops would help (in which case the configuration 
> entries should be completly hidden in the gui). But would a KGlobalAccel 
> without DBus / No-Ops be easier to maintain?
>     And the best thing for me is that If I don't want some features to be 
> able not to build them at all instead of a replacement library. And a 
> KGlobalAccel "Dummy" as part of KXmlGui also appears wrong to me.
>     Also my other two patches make DBus and KTextWidgets optional. For these 
> I definetly think that Ifdefs are the right way to go.
>     > By doing the change as suggested here new burden is created and moved 
> to the shoulders of others. E.g. all Linux distributions which now have to be 
> more careful with packaging. So we need to find the right balance.
>     I have to agree with Boudewijn there. We could of course only make it 
> optional on Windows but I would like to avoid making it a platform issue.
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     > But would a KGlobalAccel without DBus / No-Ops be easier to maintain?
>     if KGlobalAccel in it's current state is so bad that it needs to be 
> patched out of other frameworks, then yes KGlobalAccel needs to be modified. 
> Which is what I already did in the past, when it was brought to my attention 
> that just using xmlgui results in the runtime being started.
>     Does it make sense to have a DBus free kglobalaccel? Certainly, on 
> non-Linux it doesn't make sense to use DBus.
>     So the question to me is: is a stripped down KGlobalAccel (no DBus, no 
> runtime) sufficient to not get it patched out of other frameworks. If yes I 
> think that's the way to go. Is it work? Yes it is, but not that much. It's 
> only one source file with around 700 lines of code.
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
>     Well, what I am trying to say is that it's wrong to have a depedency on a 
> library, a chunk of code, that doesn't add functionality to the application.
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     > it's wrong to have a depedency on a library, a chunk of code, that 
> doesn't add functionality to the application.
>     aye, but this goes both sides. I could also say that it's wrong to have 
> the ifdefs. This is a balancing act. Adding ifdefs adds costs just like 
> adding the "chunk of code" adds costs. The question is which one adds less. 
> I'd argue that by adding ifdefs to all places which use kglobalaccel you add 
> more costs for the community (we need multiple CI build setups, we need to 
> handle distro issues, making code more difficult to read, more difficult to 
> test). Thus I suggest that we improve the other side. Get kglobalaccel into a 
> state where you don't care that you have that code around. If you absolute 
> insist on your position: yay less work for me.
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     My point agains this is the same as Boudewijn. Why would we want to 
> create a defunct GlobalAccel package?
>     GloabAccel currently provides a useful feature. Global Shortcuts. I would 
> like to see this feature optional in KXMLGui. There are use cases for XMLGui 
> without Global Shortcuts.
>     Why should we include, build, distribute, include the License etc. Of a 
> chunk of code that adds no functionality to our software?
>     And if we wen't that rode wouldn't be the conclusion of this to also 
> create a KTextWidgets package that adds no Features to make this optional?
>     Or a Dbus package without Dbus that does not add Interprocess 
> communication?
>     Regarding the CI / Community Overhead you would also have this is you 
> want to really test every variant. Then you would also have to test against a 
> "defunct" KGlobalAccel package or handle reports about issues caused by 
> KGlobalAccel not behaving as expected as it misses runtime parts.
>     Would it help If I would rework the patch to use a dummy class and reduce 
> ifdef's that way? Might make sense here although I personally find code with 
> Ifdefs clearer to understand then code that behaves differently in the 
> background.
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     > Why should we include, build, distribute, include the License etc. Of a 
> chunk of code that adds no functionality to our software?
>     Well it does. The only problem is that this feature is non-functional on 
> Windows, because it uses DBus and nobody ported the runtime part. Both is 
> fixable. On Windows it could use whatever Windows needs and you have working 
> global shortcuts. So of course it adds features. Which is also why I don't 
> buy into it's a disfunctional KGlobalAccel if we make it not depend on DBus. 
> It's a step towards working global shortcuts on Windows.
>     > Would it help If I would rework the patch to use a dummy class and 
> reduce ifdef's that way?
>     Less ifdefs is in my opinion always an improvement. My main concern in 
> this review is the ifdef overhead and the danger on breaking on Linux due to 
> making the dependency optional (sorry I'm a burnt child in that regard, have 
> seen it happen too often over the last two years even if sent a dedicated 
> mail to release team to point out about it). Concerning the latter I would 
> rather go for a no-DBus profile or something like that. A global cmake switch 
> to build without DBus and disable all frameworks which need DBus. Similar 
> what we did to disable finding X11 on non-Linux. That way on Linux the 
> dependency would still be required, because you build with DBus support.
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     > Well it does. The only problem is that this feature is non-functional 
> on Windows, because it uses DBus and nobody ported the runtime part. Both is 
> fixable. On Windows it could use whatever Windows needs and you have working 
> global shortcuts. So of course it adds features. Which is also why I don't 
> buy into it's a disfunctional KGlobalAccel if we make it not depend on DBus. 
> It's a step towards working global shortcuts on Windows.
>     But I would like to build an KXMLGui application without GlobalShortcut 
> even if they would work. We could implement them for Windows (without dbus) 
> but you still would need to have some process handling them. (Even if its the 
> application itself). I do not want to have that and I do not see that this is 
> useful to have on Windows for the users of Kleopatra. There are already ways 
> for Windows how you could do global shortcuts that would work even if the 
> Application is not running. To include this from a KDE Library would have us 
> maintain windows specific shortcut code and I don't see anyone who would be 
> willing to maintain / test / develop something like that. And it's not really 
> needed there and whatever it would do would be foreign to the platform afaik.
>     > Less ifdefs is in my opinion always an improvement.
>     I've taken a look at this. Adding a subdirectory kglobalaccel_dummy with 
> a kglobalaccel.h thats included by cmake in case kglobalaccel is not found. 
> But I find this worse then then 29 ifdef's currently added. Dummy subclasses 
> for optional packages are not a pattern we should not establish. I'm not sure 
> for example how kde apidocs would react to a kglobalaccel class in kxmlgui 
> for example. Ifdefs make it more clear if some codepaths are optional. 
>     > My main concern in this review is the ifdef overhead.
>     29 ifdefs in ~15k lines of code are not that exccessive.
>     > and the danger on breaking on Linux due to making the dependency 
> optional (sorry I'm a burnt child in that regard, have seen it happen too 
> often over the last two years even if sent a dedicated mail to release team 
> to point out about it).
>     Well it is reccommended, as it was a hard depdenency before and is not a 
> new dependency most packagers would have to actively disable that. If they do 
> that and loose global shortcuts. Ok. That's their freedom I guess and not 
> your problem.
>     >   Concerning the latter I would rather go for a no-DBus profile or 
> something like that. A global cmake switch to build without DBus and disable 
> all frameworks which need DBus. Similar what we did to disable finding X11 on 
> non-Linux. That way on Linux the dependency would still be required, because 
> you build with DBus support.
>     For me it's slightly important that this is not Windows specific so that 
> I can develop / test with it even under GNU/Linux. And generally DBus still 
> also makes sense for usecases on Windows. E.g. a Kontact on Windows would 
> still need functional DBus and such. I think optional is the right way.
>     CI only for the "recommended" / all optionals found use case would be 
> fine with me but I think this is unrelated.
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
>     whether kglobalshortcuts is functional or not is besides the point: the 
> point is that whether it works or not it doesn't add any functionality to the 
> average application. Global shortcuts are useful only for a very limited set 
> of applications, so it should always have been an optional dependency.
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     > If they do that and loose global shortcuts. Ok. That's their freedom I 
> guess and not your problem.
>     Of course it's my problem. I'm the maintainer, I get the users bug 
> reports. And that's what's happening. Look for example at 
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=356318 which I investigated yesterday - 
> distro did incorrect packaging, bug report ended on my plate. As I said: I'm 
> a burnt child here. That's not an issue that happens once, it's a problem 
> which happens constantly over all distributions. Making the dependency 
> optional or recommended will mean distros will ship without it. It's just 
> something we need to consider here. It's not something I make up. This is 
> going to happen. I can promise you. And you can imagine what kind of mess it 
> is to investigate such "impossible to happen" bugs.
>     That's why the build dependency needs to be handled gracefully. Did you 
> consider the "No DBus" profile thing in ECM. An easy way to disable all 
> dependencies which require DBus. So that it's only not required if build on 
> that profile.
>     Similarily I will promise you that the ifdefs will break at some point in 
> one of the two configurations if we don't have
>     a) build tests
>     b) actual runtime tests for that.
>     Seen it all, have maintained enough frameworks with multi platform code 
> ;-)
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     > Of course it's my problem. I'm the maintainer, I get the users bug 
> reports. And that's what's happening. Look for example at 
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=356318 which I investigated yesterday - 
> distro did incorrect packaging, bug report ended on my plate. As I said: I'm 
> a burnt child here. That's not an issue that happens once, it's a problem 
> which happens constantly over all distributions. 
>     This is a structurual problem imho that you get these bug reports. (And I 
> know the problem any problem in Gpg4win is reported to Kleopatra ;-)) They 
> should have been reported to opensuse, an opensuse maintainer should have 
> investigated this. And if I understand it right this bug is about the case 
> you are arguing for an optional runtime dependency that created problems when 
> it wasn't available.
>     > distro did incorrect packaging, bug report ended on my plate.
>     There is no correct or incorrect packaging here. Either users will get 
> the Feature to configure Global Shortcuts through KXMLGui or they won't.
>     > Making the dependency optional or recommended will mean distros will 
> ship without it
>     Yes. One of the largest KDE Application Distribution on Windows (Gpg4win) 
> _wants_ to ship without this dependency! :-) (And another, Krita, already 
> does.)
>     > That's why the build dependency needs to be handled gracefully.
>     Of course my goal here is not to produce a buggy library in case 
> GlobalAccel is not available at build time. But a libary that is stable and 
> completely fine to use for KDE Applications that don't use Global Shortcuts 
> through KGlobalAccel.
>     > Did you consider the "No DBus" profile thing in ECM. An easy way to 
> disable all dependencies which require DBus. So that it's only not required 
> if build on that profile.
>     I don't see how this would help. You would still need the optional 
> handling this patch is about. No?
>     > Similarily I will promise you that the ifdefs will break at some point 
> in one of the two configurations if we don't have
>     This is totally fine with me. The alternative if I don't get a "ship it" 
> in this review is that I will have to patch this. This will break even more 
> likely.
>     > Seen it all, have maintained enough frameworks with multi platform code 
> ;-)
>     Please also believe me (and Boudewijn) as the packagers responsible for 
> large deployments on one of these mutli-platforms that the huge amounts of 
> dependencies a KDE Application entailed are (were) a big problem for 
> deployment / packaging. I hoped this would be solved by Frameworks. And in 
> really large parts this has been true and is awesome. Thanks to Frameworks i 
> can see a clear path to be able to build my KDE Application only with useful 
> dependencies. But I'd like to see the problems that are still there for me 
> (like this one) solved upstream instead of having to patch around them.
>     How can we move forward here? There has been a +1 from Aleix and strong 
> support from Boudwijn.
>     But there has also have been arguments from you here and from Andreas 
> Hartmetz on the mailing list against this patch. What is the process to 
> resolve such a conflict?
>     Are you strongly against this patch?
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     > And if I understand it right this bug is about the case you are arguing 
> for an optional runtime dependency that created problems when it wasn't 
> available.
>     Runtime/build time doesn't matter in this case. The problem is that a 
> dependency was optional and distros currently don't handle that. I could show 
> you cases where I sent out a mail to kde-release-team telling the distros 
> which dependency they need to include and they got it wrong nevertheless. 
> That's just the current state on Linux currently: optional dependencies don't 
> work.
>     > There is no correct or incorrect packaging here. Either users will get 
> the Feature to configure Global Shortcuts through KXMLGui or they won't.
>     Of course there is. On Linux building without Global Shortcut in KXMLGui 
> will break existing software on the platform Plasma. That's the problem I try 
> to bring here. The fact that the change as suggested here will break software 
> running on Plasma and that those bugs will go to me. Nobody will report a bug 
> report saying "Xmlgui is build without KGlobalaccel", it will be "yakuake 
> doesn't work".
>     > I don't see how this would help. You would still need the optional 
> handling this patch is about. No?
>     No. The difference is that it would only be optional if in the profile. 
> This would solve the "linux distro issue" as they would never ever set this 
> profile.
>     > Are you strongly against this patch?
>     I think we need to handle the two cases. I understand your need to not 
> require it, I and others provided several different ideas in this thread 
> including:
>      - global cmake profile switch to disable DBus
>      - changing kglobalaccel to not use DBus
>      - having a no-op kglobalaccel in xmlgui
>     Given that I doubt that going strictly on this must be optional and ifdef 
> is the only choice is true. I am convinced that there is a middle ground 
> which solves the requirements.
>     Fixes to deployment issues on Windows shouldn't create deployment issues 
> on other platforms. The patch as it is right now is going to create 
> deployment issues on Linux.
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     Ok. Let's say that on Linux GlobalAccel support in KXmlGui is so 
> important that losing it would constitute a bug in itself. So we should not 
> give the option to packagers not to include this because not including it 
> would automatically break a core feature of KXmlGui. 
>     The obvious compromise I see with that position is to keep it required 
> for Linux and make it optional for other platforms which might have different 
> Global Shortcut concepts.
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     what about the profile approach through ECM? Don't you think it's better 
> to have that defined as a global thing?
>     To explain why I am nagging about it: some time ago the non-Linux systems 
> started to add code like
>         if (NOT APPLE)
>             find_package(X11)
>         endif()
>     I pointed out that this is wrong, etc. etc. I got ignored and now we have 
> all over the place these things. But nowadays we also have a proper solution 
> in ECM. And we need to remove all those custom checks again.
>     I don't want to repeat this mistake. I want to have it from the start 
> that we have it working correctly without needing patches all over the place. 
> That's why I suggest the "No DBus profile". A global thing to say "hey I 
> don't want any dependencies which depend on DBus".
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     We've discussed this in IRC as I was not really clear about what this 
> would mean.
>     As I see it now it would mean that globally CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE is 
> set for Qt Dbus.
>     In this case this would not help much because for it work the packages 
> already need to be optional. Which is what this patch is about.
>     The use case for that which i see is that you can build things without 
> optional dependencies even if they are available. This is not a Problem in 
> the usual KDE-Windows build setups. So there won't be patches like:
>     if (NOT WIN32)
>       find_package (KGlobalAccel)
>     endif()
>     Where indeed the ECM Profile approach would be better.
>     But in this patch this would allow replacing the if (UNIX) check added in 
> my latest change by if (BUILDING_WITH_DBUS) or something. I've argued that 
> even if you build with DBus (as kdepim, and the general kde-windows 
> applications do) you might want to have KGlobalAccel optional on a foreign 
> platform that might have other shortcut concepts. 
>     My general goal is to have more options and one of those options is to 
> build some frameworks without DBus. We would also have the same discussion 
> with another patch that [Makes KTextWidgets 
> optional](https://phabricator.kde.org/file/data/toramjtxpqos7pjd6lja/PHID-FILE-hmizzhkgp6mpz6xgaaon/0003-Make-KTextWidgets-optional.patch)
>     Which is unrelated to the DBus as there it's more about avoiding KService 
> and Spellchecking / dictionaries.
>     Martin: Do you think we need more discussion about the general merits of 
> optional dependencies? My current tendency is to just guard them with if 
> (UNIX) when we think they are neccessary for the Plasma Desktop usecase.
>     For the three patches I have against XmlGui this would mean to me:
>     - KGlobalAccel only optional on Non-Unix
>     - DBus only optional on Non-Unix (KMainWindow / Ktoolbar dbus integration)
>     - KTextwidgets always optional (Spell checking in kbugreport) (or just 
> completely dropped but this will be another review)
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     > Do you think we need more discussion about the general merits of 
> optional dependencies?
>     yes, please. We need to find a solution which scales and doesn't run into 
> the risk of not being picked up by distros. Also it needs to be semantically 
> correct. There are probably many approaches. One thing that comes to my mind 
> just now is a -DFRAMEWORKS_BUILD_MINIMAL which would disable all not required 
> dependencies.
> Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
>     Marijn created and I maintained a MINIMAL_BUILD option for kdelibs4, 
> actually. I never dared propose to add it to regular kdelibs4, it was 
> extremely invasive.
> Kåre Särs wrote:
>     What about CMake option() to disable just specified features in stead of 
> "if (UNIX)"? That would make the "default" REQUIRED and if you know you do 
> not want the feature you explicitly disable it without the need for patches.
>     A global MINIMAL_BUILD option would IMO not be optimal. As an example on 
> Windows Kate does not benefit from KGlobalAccel, but DBus does give the 
> option to enable "Open only one Kate instance".
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     From my perspective CMake option would be fine, I didn't suppose it 
> though, as I expect it not to scale.
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     With an option or a global minimal build I don't really see how this 
> addresses your concern that this would also be used on GNU/Linux and we 
> recieve bugs about missing features.
>     I really can see "We are a lightweight distribution so we only ship KDE 
> Minimal" ;-)
>     With an option I'm concered that we end up "-DGLOBALACCEL_OPTIONAL 
>     Currently I can build all Frameworks with the same set of CMake calls 
> with more options that would have to be more individual (or with more option 
> setting everywhere) making it slightly more complex to build. (But this is 
> not a blocker for me I could also live with an option)
>     My standpoint now is that having some dependencies optional is a thing 
> mostly required for "non UNIX" platforms which might have different concepts. 
> On UNIX we want packagers to provide an integrated KDE everywhere and not 
> make it optional. So I think guarding the optional dependency with an if UNIX 
> is semantically correct.
> Martin Gräßlin wrote:
>     > I really can see "We are a lightweight distribution so we only ship KDE 
> Minimal"
>     I don't think that's a problem as we can document it with "Don't use if 
> you provide Plasma". Also Plasma is not going to compile with such a minimum 
> profile.
>     > With an option I'm concered that we end up "-DGLOBALACCEL_OPTIONAL 
>     Agree, that's what I meant with "not to scale".
>     > My standpoint now is that having some dependencies optional is a thing 
> mostly required for "non UNIX" platforms which might have different concepts.
>     My understanding is that boud for example would also want that for his 
> app images. Also Android would be a case for that. Especially Android shows 
> me that the "non Unix" approach is wrong.
> Andre Heinecke wrote:
>     > My understanding is that boud for example would also want that for his 
> app images. Also Android would be a case for that. Especially Android shows 
> me that the "non Unix" approach is wrong.
>     Ok. I see your point now.
>     But while thinking about this I've come to a different opinion on 
> scaling. It's not much more I'm planning to do. I already have the 
> dependencies for Kleopatra in a state where I like them and this only means 
> three more patches for optional dependencies that would fall in this category 
> (DBus optional in XMLGui, IconThemes and ConfigWidgets). So clear Options 
> that make it clear what will break in the option text are probably the best. 
> Of course if others (like Kube, Krita or so) have even more a scaling 
> solution might be better. But with the patches I have scaling won't really be 
> a problem. Apart from GlobalAccel it would probably only be another one for 
> DBus.
>     There is also some kind of precedent in ki18n: "BUILD_WITH_QTSCRIPT"
>     So we would have:
>     option(BUILD_WITH_KGLOBALACCEL "Build with support for global shortcuts. 
> (recommended)" ON) ?

Found a better precedent in KJS which is probably better as it is more negative:

option(KJS_FORCE_DISABLE_PCRE "Force building of KJS without PCRE. Doing this 
will result in many webpage working incorrectly, due to extremely poor regular 
expression support")

So it would be for us:
option(FORCE_DISABLE_KGLOBALACCEL "Force building of KXmlGui without 
KGlobalAccel. Doing this will break global shortcut support. [default=OFF]" OFF)

- Andre

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On Jan. 28, 2016, 1:29 p.m., Andre Heinecke wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126895/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Jan. 28, 2016, 1:29 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks.
> Repository: kxmlgui
> Description
> -------
> This is part of a three patch series that aims to allow a "leightweight" 
> build of KXmlGui without DBus and KService dependencies. I've added the 
> patches to: https://phabricator.kde.org/T1390 I'm not sure if I can create 
> reviews that depend on changes from another review, I'll try and if it does 
> not work I'll open one after another.
> Global shortcuts are a nice optional feature to have. But as they are not 
> strictly neccessary for the core functionality of KXmlGui, as I see it, and 
> pull in an extra dependency to DBus and need runtime support on the target 
> platform they should be optional.
> This (and the other changes) add lots of unloved ifdefs, I could understand 
> if thats disliked. But let me explain the background of this change:
> I'm currently updating Kleopatra in Gpg4win to a KDE Frameworks based build. 
> This is nice. Frameworks are awesome, I can just pick what I need and don't 
> have dependencies to lots of things that are actually not needed.
> Then comes KXmlGui, adds 20 Framework dependencies, and I don't know what to 
> do.
> I want:
> - configureable "KDE Style" GUI
> - configurable Shortcuts
> - KDE Standardactions (e.g. Help / WhatsThis)
> - kbugreport
> - KDE Integration in an KDE Environment
> But I don't want:
> - Global Shortcuts (we don't have kded so this won't work for us anyway)
> - DBus (our dbus is directory scoped and there are no other applications 
> using dbus installed by us)
> - KService dependency (System configuration has been troublesome in the past 
> on Windows and is not neccessary if we provide just a single installation)
> So these Patches are my way out of this Problem. Without the optional 
> packages KXmlGui provides what I want and does not depend on what I don't 
> want.
> Diffs
> -----
>   CMakeLists.txt 9d79619 
>   src/CMakeLists.txt 58f0c7a 
>   src/config-xmlgui.h.cmake 07c882f 
>   src/kactioncollection.cpp 9c45725 
>   src/kkeysequencewidget.cpp b2e2b6a 
>   src/kshortcuteditwidget.cpp 670d031 
>   src/kshortcutseditor.cpp 99dfb3d 
>   src/kshortcutseditoritem.cpp 461a90c 
>   src/kxmlguifactory.cpp 2767e69 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/126895/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Compiled with and without dependency. Tested Kleopatra against it.
> Not yet tested on Windows, will do so in the next days.
> Thanks,
> Andre Heinecke

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