On Monday March 07 2016 12:41:52 Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
>I am trying to use app-defined icons through QIcon::fromTheme() in Kexi.

That sounds inherently wrong unless the application adds icons to specific 
themes. Icons that are specific to an application are (almost) by definition 
not part of a theme, so expecting QIcon::fromTheme() to return them seems a bit 
of a misunderstanding.

>Without that I'd have to duplicate logic of icon themes just to make 
>QIcon::fromTheme() work cross-platform.

Why? Why not do as Kate and use QIcon(":/icon-from-rcc") instead of 
QIcon::fromTheme() for app-specific icons that should be independent of the 
user's icon theme choice, and ::fromTheme() for those icons that are supposed 
to reflect his/her choice of theme?

I don't think there's any need whatsoever to duplicate (reimplement) the logic 
of icon themes. AFAIK, QIcon::fromTheme() will work anywhere once you define an 
icon theme search path and the expected icon theme is installed somewhere in 
that path.

BTW, am I right that using a builtin binary rcc icon set could make you lose in 
terms of memory (RAM) footprint overhead what you gain in terms of disk space 


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