> On July 18, 2016, 12:05 p.m., Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > Please don't ship it, yet.
> > 
> > 
> > I find the UI illogical. There's a groupbox grouping the checksum buttons, 
> > but then you can input the checksum above, so essentially, the groupbox is 
> > unnecessary and confusing.
> > 
> > Perhaps the whole thing could be simplified by naming the tab "Checksums" 
> > and removing the groupbox altogether, as it's not providing any semantic 
> > value.
> > 
> > A usability reviewer should have a look.
> Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
>     This dialog has been created in Review 128283 and Usability has been 
> involved from the beginning...
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>     It has changed in a significant way, though, making it illogical.
>     (Not that I understand the "Share" title in the original review, but 
> that's another matter.)
>     This needs more work.
> Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
>     > Perhaps the whole thing could be simplified by naming the tab 
> "Checksums" and removing the groupbox altogether, as it's not providing any 
> semantic value.
>     Preview here: https://share.kde.org/index.php/s/RUs9gAhIQqpFIqF
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>     This looks logical to me, and it's simpler: Very good!
>     (Take that as "sebas withdraws his objection" :))
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     Clear -1 to removing the group box.
>     Here is tha rationale:
>     For most "regular" users, only the lineedit at the top is relevant. The 
> calculate stuff is just distraction and - worse - potential confusion. If we 
> remove any visual distinction between the two, we just make the situation 
> worse for them.
>     I agree that calling the tab "Checksums" is still better, though, because 
> "Integrity" is too vague.
>     For the "average user" I just re-tested this with, what would actually 
> help her is creating a second box around the verification part, calling the 
> top one "Verify checksum" and the bottom "Calculate checksums".
>     That way if she was told e.g. by a website to verify a checksum, she'd 
> knew she could simply ignore the whole calculation part.
>     Overall simplicity should not be the top priority here: The priority 
> should be to make it clear to users who just want to check whether a download 
> went okay which part they should care about and which they can ignore, while 
> still providing the calculation part for advanced users who want to do that.
>     Of course another option would be to split it in two tabs, but that might 
> make the tab bar quite long especially in languages like German.
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>     The latter part seems redundant then. How can you verify a checksum 
> without calculating it?
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     See _that_ is why the bottom box was originally called "Share". Of course 
> the verification part also does calculation, but it does so without you 
> telling it to. You paste in the checksum, and it tells you whether it matches 
> or not.
>     The manual calculation at the bottom is for people who share a file with 
> others and want to accompany it with a checksum for _them_ to verify it.
>     I think we might get away with "Calculate" anyway because those who don#t 
> know much about checksums don't need to know that the verify part calculates 
> as well, and those who know it should still be able to use the thing 
> correctly.
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>     That 'Share' title completely puzzled me, and I think I'm the kind of 
> user this dialog should work for very well. (I need to verify checksums all 
> the time.)
>     To be quite honest, from getting it explained, I get the strong 
> impression that you're overthinking it.
>     To me, the most logical would be:
>     * Calculate checksums at the top
>     * Under that, the input field so I can c/p or type my checksum in there 
> to have it compared automatically. 
>     That's both, the order of the workflow as well as the logical order of 
> operation. 'Calculate' underneath would raise exactly the same question as I 
> put above: "...but but but ... it could not verify it without calculating it, 
> yet I have to hit a button to calculate ... maybe I should try again and 
> maybe I should just use the commandline to be sure". 
>     Point in case: for this kind of stuff, simplicity trumps since it makes 
> it easier to TRUST the dialog. I can't trust anything I don't fully 
> understand or have doubts about, and that's what the groupbox design and the 
> share title cause: doubts.
> Ivan Čukić wrote:
>     > See that is why the bottom box was originally called "Share".
>     When I saw the UI, it did not even occur to me that it behaves like this 
> comment suggested. I'd say that is a wrong thing to happen with an UI.
>     > To me, the most logical would be:
>     >
>     >    Calculate checksums at the top
>     >    Under that, the input field so I can c/p or type my checksum in 
> there to have it compared automatically.
>     +1
>     Additionally, whe are there 3 buttons for calculating the check-sums. All 
> those can be calculated in-parallel without any noticeable performance 
> impact. All of them (IIRC) read the file in 512-bit chunks and perform some 
> computations. Computations are insignificant compared to file-reads, 
> performance-wise.
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     Sebas, Ivan, please read the discussion here: 
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/128283/ None of the things you're 
> commenting on here fell from the sky, there were reasons for them.
>     As for what is "logical": Yes, this is the logical progression for _you_, 
> who know how this whole checksum business works. You, however, can also just 
> use [whatever]sum from the command line. This dialog was designed with users 
> in mind who don't know how checksum verification works (the vast majority of 
> "regular" computer users, I can assure you). They don't and need not know 
> that a checksum has to be calculated first.
>     All they should need to know is what they should do, and the instruction 
> at the very top of the dialog explains exactly that. And if they follow those 
> instructions, they get a result.
>     In the first iteration, the dialog just threw three checksums at you, 
> which leaves ordinary users utterly puzzled (I tried it with one). Plus, 
> David Faure advised against calculating them automatically, and since he has 
> a certain reputation of knowing what he's talking about, we followed his 
> advice.
>     Of course we could just use one "Calculate" button.
>     Still, I don't see a point in making the vast majority of users who just 
> want to verify a checksum they found a website calculate the checksum first.
>     I'm open for ideas on how to separate the two usecases (verifying the 
> integrity of a file and getting checksums to do whatever with them) better, 
> but I strongly oppose bothering users who know nothing about checksums with 
> any information they don't need (and yes, that includes the calculated 
> checksum, as that is 100% irrelevant to them).
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>     So you're saying that I'm too advanced a user for this dialog to make 
> sense? I'm at a loss for words here. Maybe you can view Ivan and me as the 
> kind of user this dialog should be used by and should work for well, and not 
> try to conveniently place us outside of the target group by just telling us 
> that the target user is dumber, but still not dumb enough to not need 
> checksums. This way a bad design doesn't get fixed.
>     As to my actual issue, it's not addressed in the review you link, it 
> rather leaves me more puzzled:
>     - the checksum must not be calculated automatically (I completely agree, 
> I don't want my disk to be thrashed once I open this dialog or tab; it's 
> unrelated to my comment, however)
>     - so I paste the checksum in there, and then hit calculate (which button, 
> btw, how do I tell?)
>     - When I just need the checksum (for example when handing it out with a 
> file, or to verify a file with a user), I hit calculate, and I can copy the 
> resulting string?
>     For me, calculating the checksum and showing me is what this dialog 
> really should do. Comparing it to something typed or copy/pasted is an extra, 
> which can only happen once the checksum has been calculated. Calculating is 
> clearly the first, necessary step. Why the paste box is above it ... I simply 
> don't understand. Why a groupbox for the primary function that distinguishes 
> it from the copy/paste part (which, without calculating is entirely useless) 
> -- I don't know. It serves no purpose (and none is given in the link you 
> post).
>     I rest my case, the design of this dialog doesn't make a lot of sense as 
> it is, it can be done simpler, easier to understand and thus, better.
> Ivan Čukić wrote:
>     Thomas, I have read the discussion before commenting here, although it is 
> strange to call a mostly one-way conversation (you as the UI expert advising 
> on the UI) a discussion :)
>     I don't see 'we already had a discussion' as a valid answer for users' 
> confusion with the UI (not only Sebas and me, which is also mentioned in 
> Rangar's comment in the review #128283)
>     I do agree that the two work-flows are separate. Still, the UI does not 
> make that obvious to me. The UI does not make it obvious that it *has* two 
> work-flows.
>     So, from my point of view, these are the problems:
>     - Even if the group says 'Sharing', it does not have any sharing 
> mechanisms. It would be similar to having the file metadata under a share tab 
> because somebody would want to share the song name and the artist with 
> someone;
>     - If the group is named 'Checksums', it implies that the thing outside is 
> not a checksum;
>     - The 'share' workflow is unfortunately a part of the verification 
> workflow since it needs to calculate the sums;
>     p.s. sharing a checksum is also for advanced users - users that could do 
> it from CLI.
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     Do whatever you want, I'm outta here.
> Ivan Čukić wrote:
>     I'm sorry if you are offended, but you need to be open to discuss 
> potential problems of your work just like everybody else here.
> Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>     @sebas: the way I understood it (but maybe I'm wrong) is:
>     First user case: Check a file. You paste your checksum, and without 
> clicking anything it goes red or green (or with a small message) and tells 
> you if it's the good checksum. This mean that you don't need to hit any 
> [calculate] button.
>     Second user case: Share the checksums. You calculate, and copy/paste the 
> output.
>     IMHO they don't need to be in separate tabs but separated with meaningful 
> titles in the "checksum" tab.
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     > I'm sorry if you are offended, but you need to be open to discuss 
> potential problems of your work just like everybody else here.
>     I do discuss problems with my designs, all the time. But not the way you 
> (and especially sebas) barged in here, weeks after the original design was 
> agreed upon with everyone involved in that review request, and telling me 
> that because it doesn't conform to your logic, it must be wrong.
>     I never said it was perfect, there surely are things that can still be 
> improved, but this discussion is not worth my time.
>     Let Elvis decide what to do with his feature.
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     I followed this thread closely. I tried to combine
>     - the latest screenshot 
> (https://share.kde.org/index.php/s/RUs9gAhIQqpFIqF)
>     - with the approach to have the Calculate buttons on the top (although 
> the primary use case is to "verify a checksum", for me it also makes more 
> sense that calculation part comes first, because verifing is the second step 
> and even optional if some just wants to calculate it without verifying 
> against another checksum)
>     - more explanatory text (the intro sentenced comes from Wikipedia) to 
> inform the user
>     This is the result:
>     ```
>     Checksum
>     --------
>     A checksum provides a means to detect errors in a file which
>     may have been introduced during its transmission or storage.
>     There are different methods to calculate a checksum:
>     MD5:    [Calculate]
>     SHA1:   [Calculate]
>     SHA256: [Calculate]
>     If you downloaded this file from a website, it is common that
>     a checksum is provided so you can verify that the data you
>     received is valid.
>     Paste the given checksum in the field below:
>     [Expected checksum (...)]
>     ```
>     It is more verbose than the original designs and does not tell the user 
> in advance that if he pastes a checksum that the correct checksum method will 
> be used and auto-calculated. I assume that he/she will find out when using it 
> (or a tooltip could be added).
> Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>     The problem here is that the user must do 
>     1) which type of checksum do I want
>     2) explicitely calculate
>     3) paste the checksum he has.
>     The current design makes this better I think: most of the time you only 
> want to compare 2 checksums, but doing steps that can be automatized (choose 
> type + calculate)? This is faster, and easier. Then if the user wants to know 
> the checksum he has, he could explicitely calculate them, but most of them 
> won't.
> Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>     Proposition to make things more obvious:
>     Can't you hide the [calculate part] so that there is only the option to 
> paste a string that will be controled, with a "[] More option" check box that 
> would show the other options (which are "only calculate the checksum"). With 
> this it is just simple by design. The complexity is only there if the user 
> needs it.
>     This way, the problem raised by Sebas and Ivan would disappear.
> Ivan Čukić wrote:
>     @Gregor
>     +1 (though, like in my previous comment, I don't think we actually need 
> three separate 'Calculate' buttons)
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     @Oliver:
>     > The problem here is that the user must do 
>     > 1) which type of checksum do I want
>     > 2) explicitely calculate
>     > 3) paste the checksum he has.
>     My suggestion was not to change the functionality when the user pastes 
> the checksum (the checksum type is automatically detected). So the user _may 
> not_ do those three steps (but he might think he has to, yes).
> Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>     > (but he might think he has to, yes).
>     This is a usability problem.
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     @Ivan: I understand that technically the parallel computation is possible 
> but does the API allow for it without reading the file again? (I did not look 
> into the current code) And is this scalable if more methods are added later?
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     ```
>     Checksum
>     --------
>     A checksum provides a means to detect errors in a file which
>     may have been introduced during its transmission or storage.
>     There are different methods to calculate a checksum:
>     (+) Show -----------------
>     |  MD5:    [Calculate]   |
>     |  SHA1:   [Calculate]   |
>     |  SHA256: [Calculate]   |
>     --------------------------
>     If you downloaded this file from a website, it is common to
>     provide a checksum so you can verify that the data you
>     received is valid.
>     Paste the given checksum in the field below to trigger
>     calculation of the file's checksum and verification against
>     the expected one:
>     [Expected checksum (...)]
>     ```
>     - The "Show" box is initially collapsed (@Ivan: the three Calculate 
> buttons could be replace with one, but now that they are hidden, it might 
> matter less)
>     - The only prompting widget is the "Expected checksum" text box. So, 
> maybe the user will see it despite the fact that it is at the bottom of the 
> dialog? (The first time the user would have to read much text but then he/she 
> knows how the dialog works)
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     >> (but he might think he has to, yes).
>     > This is a usability problem.
>     Exactly. Again: Users who know little about checksums should not have to 
> know that technically, a checksum has to be computed first. That's an 
> implementation detail which is of no concern to users. They paste the 
> checksum they have in there (like the text tells them to), they get a 
> response, done. They never have to touch the "calculate" button.
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     ```
>     Checksum
>     --------
>     A checksum provides a means to detect errors in a file which
>     may have been introduced during its transmission or storage.
>     (+) Advanced (initially collapsed) -----------------------
>     |                                                         |
>     | There are different algorithms to calculate a checksum: |
>     |                                                         |
>     |  MD5:    [Calculate]                                    |
>     |  SHA1:   [Calculate]                                    |
>     |  SHA256: [Calculate]                                    |
>     |                                                         |
>     ----------------------------------------------------------
>     If you downloaded this file from a website, it is common to
>     provide a checksum so you can verify that the data you
>     received is valid.
>     Paste the provided checksum in the field below:
>     [Expected checksum (...)]   *)
>     *) Tooltip: "Advanced information: When the checksum is pasted,
>        at first the correct checksum algorithm is determined,
>        then the file's checksum is calculated with this algorithm
>        (if not already done) which then will be verified against the
>        pasted checksum and finally the result is displayed to you."
>     ```
> Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>     Collapsable area make more sense being below, don't they? At the end you 
> provide the exact same design in more verbose (too much I think: once you 
> have read it twice, it must really being nerving). However it's interesting: 
> Maybe all your text could be in a "What is it for?" tooltip or link.
>     I think that having a collapsed advanced menu would solve the issue. It 
> would be intersting to hear Ivan and Sebas on this.
>     And Thomas, what about the usability side of this tooltip/advanced 
> options?
>     I think Elvis has his word to :P
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     I fully agree with everything Olivier said.
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     ```
>     Checksum
>     --------
>     If you downloaded this file e.g. from a website which
>     also provides the expected checksum, then you can verify
>     if the data you received is valid.
>     [ Paste the expected checksum here       ]         (?)_1
>     ( the initially hidden verification result )
>     (+) Advanced (initially collapsed) ----------------------------
>     |                                                              |
>     | There are different algorithms to calculate a checksum:      |
>     |                                                              |
>     |  MD5:    [Calculate]                                         |
>     |  SHA1:   [Calculate]                                         |
>     |  SHA256: [Calculate]                                         |
>     |                                                              |
>     ----------------------------------------------------------------
>     (?)_1 (What's this link):
>       A checksum provides a means to detect errors in a file which
>       may have been introduced during its transmission or storage.
>       When text is pasted here, at first the correct checksum algorithm
>       is determined (currently MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 are supported),
>       then the file's checksum is calculated with this algorithm
>       (if not already done) which then will be verified against the
>       pasted checksum and finally the result is displayed to you.
>     ```
> Jaime Torres Amate wrote:
>     This is totally offtopic (but related to this tab).
>     I think the user should be informed about the colision problems of MD5: 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5 and SHA1: 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1. i.e. they do not provide, by themselfs, 
> proof of non modification from http or ftp sites. It is a little bit better 
> from an https or sftp site if the site has not been compromised.
> Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>     I think it's not our role to tell them this. Maybe a line in the tooltip 
> that say SHA256 is recommanded? But not more: we already have a lot of text 
> here
> Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
>     > I think the user should be informed about the colision problems of MD5
>     Please let's keep this thread on topic. By the way, there are no 
> computationally feasible second preimage attacks against MD5 and SHA1, which 
> means that both algorithms are still fine for file integrity purposes.
>     @all: thanks for the impressive amount of feedback, I'm still trying to 
> read all the replies :p
> Ivan Čukić wrote:
>     @Olivier
>     > I understand that technically the parallel computation is possible 
>     > but does the API allow for it without reading the file again?
>     > (I did not look into the current code) And is this scalable if
>     >  more methods are added later?
>     I haven't checked the API so I can't comment on that. As for scalability,
>     hashsums need to work on input/forward-only streams (would be quite 
>     problematic if they required random-access) so I'd say it would be 
>     scalable to have one button.
>     @Gregor
>     I'm not sold on the collapsing thing to be honest.
>     @Olivier
>     > Collapsable area make more sense being below
>     And this is the reason why I'm not sold (though I do like the collapsed 
> version better than the original one). The fact that it is more logical for 
> collapsable part of the UI to go below the normal UI does not necessarily 
> mean that something should be moved below, but that maybe a collapsing UI is 
> not the right way to go.
>     @Jaime
>     These hashsums are not meant to be used as tampering-elimination 
> verification (even if a lot of people do use them for this) but for transfer 
> verification.
>     ---
>     Anyhow, *if* collapsing is the way to go, there is no need for any 
> buttons at all. Paste the hashsum, and during the file hashsum calculation, 
> the insides of the collapsed part would be filled and shown when the user 
> un-collapses.
>     Alternatively, if the user uncollapses, then it can automatically start 
> the calculation of the hashes. It has the required pre-action so that it does 
> not happen every time somebody opens this tab.
>     The reason why I like the collapsed version better than the original 
> proposal is that it removes the initial confusion of 'what is what' when 
> someone opens the dialogue.
>     As for the verbosity of text, I'm not against it. We can expect that the 
> users who have no idea about checksums will switch to this tab, and a 
> paste-textbox is not really all they would need to understand what the hell 
> it is.
>     @Elvis
>     Sorry for spamming you this much. :)
> Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>     I agree 100% with what is below the ruler, and I think it brings much: no 
> more buttons, everything is smooth.
>     However I don't understand what is the problem with the proposed design, 
> if the user knows what is what. For example, I don't see why I, as a user, 
> would need to explicitely calculate the hashsums.
>     I do not see why you would paste the hash AND show the calculated ones. 
> If you paste, you just say 'your hash is wrong'. No need to show strings that 
> are worthless: the user won't be able to use this result, and he doesn't need 
> to compare the strings, as he would be already told that it does not match.
> Gregor Mi wrote:
>     Jaime:
>     > I think the user should be informed about the colision problems of MD5
>     Oliver: 
>     > I think it's not our role to tell them this. Maybe a line in the 
> tooltip that say SHA256 is recommanded? But not more: we already have a lot 
> of text here
>     Ivan: 
>     > These hashsums are not meant to be used as tampering-elimination 
> verification (even if a lot of people do use them for this) but for transfer 
> verification.
>     If we put the website download example on the dialog, I think it is 
> important to at least give a hint that there might be security problems of 
> all kinds. Something like "Please be aware that the security and 
> trustworthiness in the Internet is a complex matter. Please inform youself 
> about potential issues when downloading files from the Internet and that 
> checksums do not provide data authenticity."
>     Ivan:
>     > Alternatively, if the user uncollapses, then it can automatically start 
> the calculation of the hashes. It has the required pre-action so that it does 
> not happen every time somebody opens this tab.
>     Good idea. I still wonder how performance will be affected if all three 
> checksums are calculated at once on a large file (e.g. a DVD image on old 
> hardware). But maybe one could add "Stop" buttons to each algorithm (similar 
> to the folder size calculation in the General tab).
>     Oliver:
>     > I do not see why you would paste the hash AND show the calculated ones. 
> If you paste, you just say 'your hash is wrong'.
>     +1
> Ivan Čukić wrote:
>     > I do not see why you would paste the hash AND show the
>     > calculated ones. If you paste, you just say 'your hash is wrong'.
>     One of the mentioned use-cases is 'sharing the checksum' for which you 
> need to have it shown.
>     > Good idea. I still wonder how performance will be affected if all three 
> checksum [...]
>     If they are done with a single pass (single file read), it should be 
> almost as fast as calculating one of them. I haven't benchmarked, but basing 
> this on the fact that hash sums require rather simple calculations.
>     > "Please be aware that the security and trustworthiness in the Internet 
> is 
>     > a complex matter. Please inform youself about potential issues when 
> downloading
>     > files from the Internet and that checksums do not provide data 
> authenticity."
>     This might be a good solution. What do others think?
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     > One of the mentioned use-cases is 'sharing the checksum' for which you 
> need to have it shown.
>     Yes, but when you want to share the checksum, you don't want to verify 
> with it. That's the thing: The verification and the "calculate and show 
> checksums" feature serve different usecases. Either you already have a 
> checksum from somewhere anduse that to verify the file, then you only need 
> the paste box and the line below telling you whether it matches or not. If 
> you want to share checksums, you can safely ignore the paste box.
>     Therefore it's fine if the collapsible area is below the paste box, as 
> there is no two-step process of first showing the calculated checksum and 
> then verifying with it.
>     >> "Please be aware that the security and trustworthiness in the Internet 
> is a complex matter. Please inform youself about potential issues when 
> downloading files from the Internet and that checksums do not provide data 
> authenticity."
>     >This might be a good solution. What do others think?
>     Makes sense to me!
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     Oh btw, now that we're discussing the whole UI in this review request, 
> anyway: Is there any feedback given while the checksum is being calculated 
> when you paste a checksum intop the field?
>     It should say "Comparing checksums..." in the line where then the result 
> is shown, so that the user knows that they triggered a process by pasting the 
> checksum, in case the calculation takes a while.
> Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
>     I think that replacing the current groupbox with a collapsiblegroubox 
> might be the best solution:
>     * It keeps separated the two use cases, even more separated than the 
> current design. This should avoid any possible confusion.
>     * The verification stays at the top of the dialog, which is good because 
> verifying is much more common than sharing.
>     * We could remove the three "Calculate" buttons and start the computation 
> as soon as the box is expanded (though I'm not 100% sure this can be done 
> without reading the file three times).
>     If there is consensus on this proposal, I'm going to discard this review 
> and open a new one :)
> Ivan Čukić wrote:
>     @Elvis
>     Seems QCryptographicHash does not have the support for this, so without 
> reimplementing the hash functions (or stealing the QCH implementation), all 
> the buttons are needed >:|
> Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>     So the checksums tab is located in the file properties dialog, which is 
> primarily an informational display. This dialog also holds the size, which is 
> costly to compute, just like the checksum. The checksums tab serves two 
> purposes: verify and display the checksum.
>     The verification can either be done manually (I read the checksum over 
> the phone to the dude who has to work in IT support), or I compare it with a 
> checksum on some website right after downloading the latest rebecca black OS 
> iso.
>     Logically, having the checksum is a pre-requisite for comparing it, so a 
> lineedit to paste a checksum which is then compared makes sense, but it's a 
> helper tool. First and foremost, I trust nothing and nobody and want to 
> actually see the checksum. (Also, if a checksum is different, it shows in the 
> first few latters in the vast majority of cases, so a quick verification can 
> easily done with the naked eye.) For those lazy bastards, who copy the 
> checksum off the website, the lineedit is a handy tool.
>     A problem I see with the three button approach is that it provides little 
> guidance for the user: Which checksum do I want? I think a combo box to pick 
> the algorithm with md5 as default (as it's the most widely used) would make 
> this a bit nicer and easier to use.
>     As a result, to me, a logical user interface would offer the following:
>     - display of current checksum (possibly a hint that it needs to be 
> computed first for files larger than N?)
>     - a chooser (in the current approach, three buttons, I think one button + 
> a combo would be nicer here, see above)
>     - a way to make comparing easier (the lineedit seems like a nice idea)
>     To me, this UI can be very easy, if done right, it displays, allows to 
> compute (and pick the algorithm) and allows to compare (in that order).
>     I think groupboxes, collapsible widgets and advanced sections make this 
> much harder than it really needs to be. Simplicity can be achieved quite 
> easily here, and we should aim for that.
> Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>     As it was clear both sides had different understanding I spoke with Sebas 
> and Thomas separately to understand what the issue was.
>     So Sebas has another user case:
>     You can get a hashsum over the phone or on IRC but without copying, you 
> can just compare yourself (while reading) the X first characters of the hash 
> with your file. So hidding the 'calculate' part is not a good idea. Also it 
> means that the shown hash *can* be part of the verification process. 
> Therefore it makes not so much sense to have grouping boxes. Furthermore, 
> it's too engineered or visually complex to surround 1 lineedit on the one 
> side, and 3 buttons on the other side in boxes. 
>     Finally all that is about verifying the checksum. Either you (compare in 
> the line edit or visually) or someone else (the previously called "share" 
> user case). They belong together.
>     # New proposition
>     The proposition I do is the following:
>     In the tab called "Checksum":
>     A line edit (with explaining labels, tooltips, whatever): you paste in it 
> and it becomes either red or green, with a label explaining what happened in 
> the same color ("the checksum do not match, your file might be corrupted"/ 
> "the checksums match, your life is beautiful"). **It should also state the 
> type of algorithm used (MD5, SHA1,...)!**
>     ----------A separation line------------
>     A list with MD5/SHA1/SHA256 (and later others?). 2 options IMO: 
>      - for small **local** files you compute directly and display the hash, 
> for others go to option 2
>      - have the name of the algo, followed by a [calculate] button, when 
> calculated, the button is hidden and replaced by the hash string
>         sha1:  [Calculate]   then   sha1: sjdljpfiljezflsjls
>     # Why does it work for both types of users
>     Someone like me or who does not know anything about hashsums will see on 
> top a field where to paste the hash. He does it, get a green/red response and 
> everything can be over here.
>     Someone like Sebas, who has no trust in this evil code written by Elvis 
> (:P) will see what algo is used and be able to compare himself, visually, 
> with the calculated string below, by clicking on the right [calculate] 
> button. 
>     Someone like Sebas or Ivan, who know the technicall part and don't want 
> to use the text field, will directly click on the [calculate] button they are 
> interested in and do whatever they want with the outcome (share, compare, ...)
>     # Finally
>     In my personal opinion, all has been said. Several designs were proposed 
> and discussed. I think it's time for Elvis to have his enlighted choice. If 
> it's not mine, I will think it's suboptimal, but that is life. If it's the 
> very first one, Sebas will think it's suboptimal, but that's life. Because 
> I'm not sure more consensus can be found.
> Ivan Čukić wrote:
>     You will all hate me.
>     One additional idea (since we are abusing this review for a general 
> discussion) - the dialogue might want to check whether there are $FILE.md5sum 
> $FILE.sha256sum ... in the same folder and check against the checksums in it 
> automatically. It is often the case that sums are provided as files, not as 
> copy-paste text.
> Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>     I won't hate you ;)
>     This is something I just thought about yesterday. Although I'm not sure 
> if this tab is the right place for it, because people would first have to 
> know that they have to right-click the file to be checked and select the 
> checksums tab.
>     Instead what would make sense to me is to associate the respective 
> checksum file extensions with a script/application that does the check. That 
> way people would simple have to click the checksum file to check it.
>     I had even written a crude bash script using notify-send for this 
> purpose. It wasn't pretty, but it did the job.
> Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
>     Please note that Frameworks (5.25) enter the string freeze phase from 
> this Saturday, meaning that every change in user-visible strings should land 
> before then. I have no objections to change the current design, but big 
> changes will probably have to wait for the next 5.26 release.
>     @Sebas
>     > Logically, having the checksum is a pre-requisite for comparing it, so 
> a lineedit to paste a checksum which is then compared makes sense, but it's a 
> helper tool. First and foremost, I trust nothing and nobody and want to 
> actually see the checksum.
>     I'm not sure how the groupbox is preventing you from seeing the checksum. 
> I now understand that your primary use case is retrieving the checksums 
> instead of verifying. So now I do agree that using a collapsible/advanced 
> section would be annoying in your case. But is it a groupbox really such a 
> big deal? What about a separation line like Olivier suggests?

A groupbox introduces a different horiztonal alignment, making it harder to 
align the left and right edges of the dialog correctly. A horizontal line 
doesn't have this problem, so it's better. I'd personally try to use whitespace 
there, but a horizontal line is also fine with me.

- Sebastian

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On July 16, 2016, 12:35 p.m., Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/128466/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated July 16, 2016, 12:35 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks, KDE Usability and Dominik Haumann.
> Repository: kio
> Description
> -------
> Dominik suggested to rename the `Checksums` tab to `Integrity`, so that we 
> can "free" the Checksums string and use it as the title of the groupbox below 
> (in place of the current `Share` string, which can be confusing).
> Preview in the attached screenshot.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/widgets/checksumswidget.ui 03c64db 
>   src/widgets/kpropertiesdialog.cpp 808765c 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/128466/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> Before
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/media/uploaded/files/2016/07/16/6771ed06-c803-4d18-abe3-91e4f97c8c76__checksums-tab.png
> After
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/media/uploaded/files/2016/07/16/b2cd12c8-6bbf-4123-9e8e-59cb0c29cbdb__Spectacle.TJ7614.png
> Thanks,
> Elvis Angelaccio

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