On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Kai Uwe Broulik <k...@privat.broulik.de> wrote:
>> This is not ok, the web interface for reviewboard was as good as rb-tools (I 
>> guess tbh i never used them) and "forcing" the use of a weird tool noone has 
>> heard of is not a good way to attract new contributors
> Agreed. Especially since arc is some mental php script that randomly amends 
> wrong revisions and/or adds files deliberately left unstaged.

Faults with Arcanist should be reported to upstream, at
Some of the issues you are seeing could be edge cases which Arcanist
is not handling properly.

Please make sure you have updated to the latest versions of Arcanist
and libphutil before you do so.

> As for the context I usually end up uploading diffs with -U99 but that's not 
> ideal and it had never been an issue with ReviewBoard.
> ‎I also find the way to access revision patchset diffs cumbersome. The fact 
> that online comments aren't versioned and stick around even if the diff 
> changed significantly in later iterations is quite annoying. They also don't 
> provide code snippets in the list of comments, you always have to jump to the 
> specific line to see what's up there.

The request for code snippets in the comments area would be a feature
request - which should be filed with upstream.

In relation to versioning, I can see your point, however I can also
see the rationale behind retaining them until they've been resolved.
This is a behavioural difference between Phabricator and Reviewboard.
You are welcome to discuss the issue with upstream.

> The repository search when uploading a diff is also pretty dumb, always 
> defaulting to the least sensible option: Querying for "plasma workspace" 
> automatically chooses Plasma Workspace Wallpapers, "kio" ends up with KIO 
> AudioCD or Gopher...

There are upcoming changes to Differential and Diffusion which may
affect this. I do know that there have been some changes to search and
typeaheads within Phabricator recently.

See https://secure.phabricator.com/T12010 for more details on the
changes which they'll be undertaking over the next few months.

We've yet to deploy any of those changes, but will probably do so
fairly soon. There are some significant infrastructural changes to
Differential which will form part of the changes, and which could
possibly resolve the minor issue Albert pointed out in the first mail
of this thread.

> Nevertheless I got quite used to Phabricator, at least Differential, and 
> don't really miss RB especially since it got painfully slow ever since a 
> gazillion Frameworks repositories were created. In conjunction with Plasma 
> 5.9's drag and drop notification feature and Spectacle creating illustrated 
> revisions is a breeze.

Thanks for the positive feedback.


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