habacker added a comment.

  I did not took a look into every location where an executable is installed 
into KDE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR_KF5, but I guess on Windows any application which 
may be started *only* by a KF5 provided api may be located in the libexec dir ; 
all other needs to stay into <install-root>/bin (or <install-root> in case 
there is no bin dir in the installation I saw in some null soft based 
installations like digikam)
  If you really want to have executables in libexec dir on Windows too a patch 
is required to change KDE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR_KF5  to xxx/libexec and to 
introduce a different cmake variable for installing all other executables, 
which points to the "bin"-dir on Windows and the same path as 
KDE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR_KF5 on other platforms. Then every occurrance of 
KDE_INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR_KF5 in kf5 libraries needs to be checked and replaced by 
this variable
  Adding '5' postfix to 4 executables (see 
https://bugs.kde.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=373928&hide_resolved=1) would be 
a more simple solution from my opinion.

  R263 KXmlGui


To: habacker
Cc: dfaure, aacid, #frameworks

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