> On March 22, 2017, 10:08 a.m., Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
> > src/ioslaves/file/kauth/file.actions, lines 1-5
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/129983/diff/5/?file=492986#file492986line1>
> >
> >     I don't see the advantage of using a single kauth action. This way you 
> > are generating only one "generic" polkit action that you can either enable 
> > or disable. Instead if we used one polkit action per operation (del, rmdir, 
> > etc.) we could allow a more fine-grained control. For example, a sysadmin 
> > could decide that the users can create files in write protected locations, 
> > but they cannot delete existing files.
> Chinmoy Ranjan Pradhan wrote:
>     Some operation may use more than one polkit action like Delete. If we use 
> one polkit action per operation then we will have to provide credentials for 
> every polkit action that operation might use. Though we can add necessary 
> code for this but it will only complicate the matter.
>     > we could allow a more fine-grained control
>     Does this involve editing the policy file directly or just writing a 
> config file? In later case we can provide control over execution of actions 
> within the ioslave. 'execWithRoot' can perform a check prior to execution of 
> the polkit action.
> Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
>     > Some operation may use more than one polkit action like Delete. If we 
> use one polkit action per operation then we will have to provide credentials 
> for every polkit action that operation might use.
>     But only if the actions are different, right? Otherwise we should be fine 
> within the 5 minutes threshold after the first authentication. Can you show 
> some concrete examples where this issue would happen?
>     > Does this involve editing the policy file directly or just writing a 
> config file?
>     Have a look at polkit rules. For example, one could write a rule that 
> says "org.kde.kio.file.copy is allowed, org.kde.kio.file.del is not." and it 
> would be very cool if we could actually support this.
> Chinmoy Ranjan Pradhan wrote:
>     >But only if the actions are different, right? Otherwise we should be 
> fine within the 5 minutes threshold after the first authentication. Can you 
> show some concrete examples where this issue would happen?
>     Delteing a non-empty directory
>     In this operation 'del' and 'rmdir' actions are used. In this case we 
> will have to authenticate for both the actions. And after the first 
> authentication, doing a similar operation will show the warning dialog twice.
>     Copy operation can also be considered.
>     This operation will consist of six actions which are file_open, sendfile, 
> read, write, file_close, chown. Although all the actions will not be used at 
> once usage of atleast two can be expected. Here also we will have to 
> authenticate ouself atleast twice just for copying a single file which is 
> very annoying.
>     >it would be very cool if we could actually support this.
>     Indeed its very cool and useful,but still, we will have all these 
> problems.
>     One possible solution can be using the **annotate** tag. Polkit doc 
> mentions its **used for annotating an action with a key/value pair**. If the 
> _value_ is **org.freedesktop.policykit.imply** then **the subject if 
> authorized for an action with this annotation is also authorized for any 
> action specified by the annotation**.
>     So what I did is added this line ```<annotate 
> key="org.freedesktop.policykit.imply">org.kde.kio.file.rmdir</annotate>``` 
> after the defaults tag of _del_ action. After this when I tried deleting a 
> non-empty folder I only got one auth dialog. One more thing I noticed is, 
> with this line in place, when I deleted a single file deleting an empty 
> folder afterwards only showed one warning even though the action was 
> different and was executing for this first time.
>     I'm still not sure about this so I might be completely wrong as well. If 
> you have any knowledge of this please let me know if I got everything or 
> anything right. And if what I have mentioned is indeed correct then we will 
> have to add the support for _annotate_ tag to kauth policy generator.
> Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
>     The *imply* annotation sounds very promising, might be exactly what we 
> are looking for. Unfortunately I don't know more details about it, at the 
> moment.
>     Another solution (possibly simpler) could be a middle ground between 
> "only one generic action" and "one action per operation". For example, we 
> could have a `org.kde.kio.file.delete` action that handles everything about 
> deletion: single file, empty folder, non-empty folder, etc.
> Chinmoy Ranjan Pradhan wrote:
>     Merging actions sounds good. I have updated the patch as per your 
> suggestion. We can merge some other action as well, like,
>     file_open, sendfile, read, write, file_close --> to _copy_
>     symlink, put, mkdir ---> to _create__**_something_**
>     chown, chmod ---> to _change_something_ or perhaps we can leave them
>     what do you say?
>     > Another solution (possibly simpler) could be a middle ground between 
> "only one generic action" and "one action per operation".
>     It is only a part of solution. Say, if a user wants to perform a 
> privileged copy after a privileged delete then he must be shown a warning 
> instead of authentication dialog no? For this to happen we need some way to 
> authorize the copy action without any interaction as soon as delete is 
> authorized and I now strongly believe _imply_ annotation is what we need. 
>     Maybe its meant for this very purpose only. The use case mentioned in the 
> doc - **A typical use of this annotation is when defining an UI shell with a 
> single lock button that should unlock multiple actions from distinct 
> mechanisms**.

Right, the two things are not mutually exclusive. We could define meta actions 
like "delete" or "create" but also use the imply annotation if there is a 
specific need for it. The latest diff looks good to me now, please update the 
proposal accordingly :)

- Elvis

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On March 27, 2017, noon, Chinmoy Ranjan Pradhan wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/129983/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated March 27, 2017, noon)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks, David Faure and Elvis Angelaccio.
> Repository: kio
> Description
> -------
> This is regarding the GSOC idea 
> https://community.kde.org/GSoC/2017/Ideas#Project:_Polkit_support_in_KIO.
> This patch intends to demonstrate one possible approach to provide polkit 
> support in kio. Here its only for the delete operation. This is based on the 
> patch in task https://phabricator.kde.org/T5070.
> The approach is as follows;
> 1. Whenever file ioslave gets access denied error it calls the method 
> *execWithRoot* with the action that requires priviledge, the path of items
>    upon which action needs to be performed and a warning ID as arguments.
> 2. *execWithRoot* then executes the KAuth::Action *org.kde.kio.file.execute*. 
> 3. This Kauth::Action has its Persistence set too 'session'. This means that 
> after authentication the restrictions are dropped for a while, for    
>    about 5 minutes. This is similar to the behaviour of sudo command.
> 4. During this time we can perform any action as a privileged user without 
> any authentication. So to prevent any mishap i added a warning box which
>    would popup before performing any action(only during this period).
> 5. After the said time interval the root privileges are droped and calling 
> *execWithRoot* should show the usual authentication dialog.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/ioslaves/file/CMakeLists.txt b9132ce 
>   src/ioslaves/file/file.h 109ea80 
>   src/ioslaves/file/file.cpp eaf6c88 
>   src/ioslaves/file/file_unix.cpp 82eb11a 
>   src/ioslaves/file/kauth/CMakeLists.txt PRE-CREATION 
>   src/ioslaves/file/kauth/file.actions PRE-CREATION 
>   src/ioslaves/file/kauth/helper.h PRE-CREATION 
>   src/ioslaves/file/kauth/helper.cpp PRE-CREATION 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/129983/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> File Attachments
> ----------------
> warning dialog
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/media/uploaded/files/2017/03/09/d42570e8-aedf-4c02-801e-362a68755c2c__polkit_integration.png
> Thanks,
> Chinmoy Ranjan Pradhan

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