intelfx added a comment.

  In, @mwolff wrote:
  > For solarized you showed the screenshots in your original mail. I'm more 
concerned about backwards compatibility with other schemes. I.e. yes - we do 
care about the status quo. Can you give an example for a color scheme where 
this would break stuff? Then I can also apply the patch locally and try it out 
myself and maybe come up with a concrete idea to fix this all.
  OK — take a look at the attached screenshots (I hope Phabricator will 
preserve their names).
  F3752512: KDevelop-Vim (dark)-Before.png 
  F3752511: KDevelop-Vim (dark)-After.png <>
  F3752510: KDevelop-Printing-Before.png <>
  F3752509: KDevelop-Printing-After.png <>
  F3752508: KDevelop-Normal-Before.png <>
  F3752507: KDevelop-Normal-After.png <>
  F3752506: KDevelop-KDE-Before.png <>
  F3752505: KDevelop-KDE-After.png <>
  F3752504: KDevelop-Breeze Dark-Before.png 
  F3752503: KDevelop-Breeze Dark-After.png 
  So, basically, Normal and Printing are broken because they are explicitly 
designed for old behavior. Breeze-Dark and Vim-dark do not care because they 
have selection foreground == normal foreground.
  > Also, can you then share your solarized theme?
  Please find attached in form of rc files (append them to your 
kateschemarc/katesyntaxhighlightingrc, I've stripped all other color schemes).
  F3752527: katesyntaxhighlightingrc <>
  F3752526: kateschemarc <>

  R39 KTextEditor


To: intelfx, #kdevelop, #ktexteditor, #kate
Cc: mwolff, kwrite-devel, #frameworks

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