René J.V. Bertin wrote:

> style. I think I figured out the how/where once but can't seem to find the
> info anymore so I'd appreciate a pointer.

Found it.

> FWIW, drawing this kind of label in a frame and/or with a different background
> colour isn't appropriate for the native Macintosh style.

And this is where we have a problem if you're adamant about being as much in 
line with native look-and-feel as possible, as I know some KDE devs are.

I haven't found a single example of a "native" Mac application that uses 
comparable page/dialog titles rendered with a bigger font and in a frame with a 
different background colour.

I myself don't really care one way or another, if anything I find it more 
important that the user has a choice at some level. Ideally this would go 
through the widget style (as Breeze allows and QtCurve probably too) but the 
Macintosh style is not configurable and I don't think Qt would consider adding 
the rather complex patch required to render KTitleWidgets appropriately.

That leaves us with the only option of modifying the KTitleWidget code. I'll 
submit a patch for review that adds a runtime check of the widget style in use 
but if anyone has a better idea I wouldn't mind hearing it and avoiding 
unnecessary work.


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