gregormi added a comment.

  In, @ltoscano wrote:
  > Just update the English messages.
  >  More generally, why do we need copies of the system desktop files (even 
the ones developed by KDE, org.kde.filelight.desktop?) Isn't there a way to use 
the existing desktop files if installed? We don't want to duplicate what exists.
  KMoreTools provides information about applications (gives hints about their 
existence) that are maybe not installed yet. Back then, the idea was to reuse 
the translations in the desktop files. Do the duplicate desktop files cause 
duplicate translation work?
  Personally, I also find the desktop file handling a bit clumsy, but currently 
I have no better idea.

  R304 KNewStuff


To: gregormi, ltoscano
Cc: ltoscano, #frameworks

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