rkflx added a comment.

  -1 from me. It's a feature, not a bug. `Esc` is the standard way to return to 
previous GUI states, you use this subconsciously without needing to actively 
think about some other way (at least I do). In addition, Windows Explorer also 
does it the same way.
  > Clients already implement their own ways to do this
  That's no correct for [Ctrl] + [L] you cite: This enters edit mode, but does 
not close it again. Only [F6] works for this. Also, this should be a standard 
feature and not something each application needs to add (differently).
  However there's one thing I'd love to be changed: Currently clicking on a 
folder to navigate away will close edit mode, but not clicking somewhere else 
outside of the location bar. This could be added and the checkmark button 
adding clutter removed (that's how Windows Explorer does it too, and it's 
logical: click inside the breadcrumb bar to open edit mode, click outside to 
close it again).
  The tricky thing here is how this will interact with situations where the 
edit mode should always be active (I believe there a config option for that? 
What about file dialogs?)

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #frameworks, elvisangelaccio, broulik, dfaure
Cc: rkflx, #frameworks

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