markg added a comment.

  In, @ngraham wrote:
  > @markg, I strongly disagree that "recent files" are not useful in open/save 
  > As I've mentioned before, a common use case that this enables is when you 
save an item from one program and need to open it in another without having a 
Dolphin window open that shows it. One example is attaching files to websites. 
You just go to the "Recent files" entry in the Open window and voila, your 
latest saved file is right there on the top. It's a super fast workflow.
  > There is a reason why "Recent items" is a default entry in the file manager 
and open/save dialogs in macOS and GNOME. They didn't add it for no good reason.
  As you seem eager to compare against others who do have it. How about others 
who don't. That's for instance XFCE with Thunar, it doesn't have that.
  Windows 7 had is partly, called "Recent places" which only lists folders, not 
  Windows 10 doesn't have it.
  macOS finder - contrary to what you keep telling here - does not show recent 
documents or folders by default.
  All of the above is for the main applications. I'm not entirely sure about 
the file/folder open dialogs.
  The only way i could find this convenient is if it were by context and the 
file open dialog boxes only. What i mean by that is when you get a file open 
dialog box and need to select a file then having the recently used files in 
there might be neat.
  But by default in dolphin' main view in the favorites section... No, that 
doesn't seem the appropriate place.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #kde_applications, broulik, elvisangelaccio, dfaure, 
Cc: andreaska, gregormi, markg, alexeymin, #frameworks, broulik, 
elvisangelaccio, dfaure, davidedmundson, ltoscano, #konqueror, spoorun, 
navarromorales, firef, ngraham, andrebarros, emmanuelp

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