shaheed added a comment.

  In, @jasontibbitts wrote:
  > I hate to add a ping without any useful review, but I'm quite interested in 
this effort as I have a pykde4-based application which I would really like to 
get ported to the modern frameworks.  Current distro packages of pykde4 are 
increasingly broken, and coverage of the existing bindings isn't sufficient to 
get the stuff I'm using (which isn't much, really) running.
  > Is there anything that someone like me can do to help with this?
  Well, I only really got into this because I wanted to revive the Python 
support I added to Kate!
  In all seriousness, I strongly doubt that a SIP-based solution for PyKF5 can 
ever be sustained without a dedicated maintainer, and my starting premise for 
my work was this was not a viable prospect. As hinted on the mailing list I've 
now spent the last 2 days with cppyy, and once I have made a bit more progress 
will post an update on that.

  R240 Extra CMake Modules


To: shaheed, lbeltrame
Cc: jasontibbitts, #frameworks, #build_system

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