ngraham added a comment.

  Honestly I think it's fine the way it is: in the details view, we have a nice 
compact string that doesn't make the column too wide, and in the Information 
Panel, we have a longer string that provides more information and isn't too big 
since text can wrap there.
  I do see your point though, and I agree that the long string should be 
customizable in some way for people who prefer a shorter string. But that seems 
out of scope for this change; can we stick to this change here, and discuss 
that other change (which I do approve of:) ) in another patch or bug report?

  R824 Baloo Widgets


To: ngraham, #dolphin, #kde_applications, #frameworks, aacid, markg
Cc: markg, elvisangelaccio, anthonyfieroni, spoorun, navarromorales, firef, 
ngraham, andrebarros, emmanuelp

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