markg added a comment.

  In, @renatoo wrote:
  > In, @markg wrote:
  > > We have such a nice modular design with panels yet we keep cramming 
everything in the places panel... Why?
  > >  It's not just here, I've seen patches like this for Dolphin as well.
  > >
  > > Imho, the places panel should only contain the top places - favorites if 
you will - that you might want to access quickly. Nothing else and should stay 
  > >  Baloo -> new panel
  > >  Devices -> new panel
  > >  Remote devices -> Either in Devices or a new panel as well
  > >  etc..
  > >
  > > Having more panels will give a whole different issues. Scrolling. Since 
each panel would be relatively small if you add many you will get scrollbars 
within the panels. Well, lets just get rid of the per panel scrollbar and 
merely have one for the whole "panel container" (like in macOS finder).
  > >
  > > Just my 5 cents...
  > @markg, I never used macOs finder, but looking at the internet images. This 
is exactly what I am proposing and what we have on dolphin today. A single list 
with only one scrollbar split in sections.
  >   I am just trying to keep the same visuals on both (dolphin and file 
dialog) to avoid confusion for users,  they can get lost if you show different 
  > Our final idea is that you will be able to hide sections that you do not 
want, For example the local devices and network.
  You "intend" to, yes :)
  But with your changes you get the situation where you have multiple 
scrollbars if you have multiple panels enabled, one scrollbar in each panel.
  In Finder, you have 1 scrollbar for the whole panel area.
  I like the goal! I want to get there as well! But it would be my preference 
to get there with individual panels. That would also make the code much simpler.
  Anyhow, that's just a "i would like..." opinion. It's not a critic to slow 
you down or stop this patch.

  R241 KIO


To: renatoo, #frameworks, dfaure, ervin, #vdg
Cc: markg, ngraham, mlaurent, ervin, anthonyfieroni, cfeck, #frameworks

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