vpinon added a comment.

  Thank you Aleix,
  You're right!
  //Before// launching cmake for cross compiling, I build the tool for host 
(this requires to have Qt5 dev files on build host):
  I haven't found a way to access the host compiler & libs //within// cmake 
(which has a toolchain file to switch to cross-compiling).
  My complete cross compiling sequence is (in Makefile syntax for MXE):
    cd "$(1)" && $(BUILD_CXX) -std=c++11 qrcAlias.cpp -o $(PREFIX)/bin/qrcAlias 
-fPIC $(shell pkg-config --cflags Qt5Core --libs Qt5Core)
    mkdir "$(1)/build"
    cd "$(1)/build" && cmake .. \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    $(MAKE) -C "$(1)/build" -j $(JOBS) install
  Would you have directions for a better approach? Or should I just add in 
comment the line to build qrcAlias?
  I wanted to have a look at how KF5_HOST_TOOLING works, but couldn't find 
where it is defined in ECM or in the frameworks that use it (kdecoration, 

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: vpinon, apol, kfunk
Cc: #frameworks, bartoloni, benjaminnelan, afarid, fernandoteles, mardelle

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